Truly Orwellian

Many many years ago my teenage daughters were on a swim team. It was not like the teams of today with hundreds of members, but rather a small neighborhood team with perhaps fifty kids. My wife and I had them involved in swimming, not because they were potential college caliber swimmers, but rather because we felt that swimming would keep them tired … and thus less likely to get in trouble. BTW, it worked.

I was reminded of this swim team because today I read something which referenced George Orwell who said something about the further people get from the truth, the more people will hate those who say it (say the truth). 

On this low-key swim team there was one boy who decided that he no longer wished to be called by his given name, ‘Zane,’ but rather he wished to be called ‘Murphy Patterson.’ I can remember my daughters telling us about Zane, visa vi Murphy Patterson, and laughing because it was so nonsensical. Whether anyone actually referred to him by his new pseudonym is irrelevant, as his new fabricated view of reality was likewise also irrelevant.

Fast forward to today. Now if someone says A is really B, it seems that the rest of us must buy into that new fabricated view of reality. If anyone dares to say that, in fact, A is still A, and not B, he/she has violated some rule, at least so says Twitter. When Allie Beth Stuckey referred to weightlifter Laurel Hubbard as a man, she was banned from Twitter for twelve hours because she violated its “hurtful conduct” policy. Hmmm!

As much as logical thinking is frowned upon in today’s world, does anyone, besides me, feel that common sense may in fact be necessary here?

Olympian weightlifter Laurel Hubbard’s chromosomes are XY, but he insists that he is XX. Therefore, if society does not buy into Laurel Hubbard’s alternate view of reality, society is in the wrong. As best I can recall, an alternate view of reality is otherwise known as a psychosis. Therefore, if anyone does not buy into someone else’s psychosis, he/she is in the wrong. Furthermore, it’s hard to get further from the truth than by saying XY is really XX, and like Orwell implied this will get those who speak the truth lambasted and censured by yo-yos like Twitter.

Furthermore, if Laurel Hubbard now wanted everyone to call him, “Murphy Patterson,” would we all just acquiesce, or would society finally say something similar to what the swim coach said forty years ago, “Laurel, grow up! The rest of us are not buying into your Murphy Patterson nonsense.”


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