Treason ? … Or Just Stupidity ?

My new favorite columnist, Wayne Allen Root (W.A.R.) has a brutal column in which he accuses Joe Biden of TREASON … multiple times for many varied reasons. Mr. Root proclaims that the only logical way to explain many of Joe Biden’s actions is to assume that he is basically acting on behalf of China. In words of W.A.R.:

“I’ve warned for many months now that Biden is the most corrupt president in history. I believe he and his family are owned lock, stock and barrel by the Chinese Communist Party.”

He continues:

“Everything Biden has done, every action, every statement and every policy since his inauguration has weakened America and enriched China. None of this can be a mistake or coincidence. Biden and his puppet handlers are beholden to China.”

Before W.A.R. went through the details about why he thinks Joe Biden is guilty of treason, I disagreed, because I thought that the simplest explanation for all of Biden’s missteps is that he is dumb. Plain and simple, he is a ne’er-do-well who graduated near the bottom of his law school class … and his smarts have not improved over the last fifty years.

I was on J.B.’s side! 

From W.A.R.:

“Who evacuates the military first, leaving thousands of American citizens unprotected from bloodthirsty savages? Everyone knows you evacuate the citizens first, then the equipment and lastly the military. No one could be stupid enough to send the military home first. This was no mistake. This is TREASON.”

Hmmm, I am starting to believe that no one could be this dumb!

W.A.R. continues:

“Second, who leaves $85 billion of military equipment on the ground? Overnight, we just made the Taliban the 26th most powerful military in the world — with your taxpayer money. Who does that? No one is this stupid. This was no mistake. This is TREASON.

W.A.R. is on a roll:

“Third, who puts the Taliban in full charge of security for American citizens? This is pure insanity. That would be like putting the Gestapo or SS in charge of getting Jews safely out of Germany. No one could be that naive. This was no mistake. This was TREASON.”

While initially trying to stick up for Joe Biden, my resolve is weakening.

“But wait, it gets worse. Biden gave the names of our citizens and Afghan allies to the Taliban to allow them through the gates of the Kabul airport. That’s a “Kill List” for the Islamic State group to hunt down all our people. The U.S. government has officially named the Taliban “terrorists.” And Biden is handing the names of our citizens to terrorists? This is no mistake. This is TREASON.”

At this point W.A.R. is convincing me!

He continues:

“What president would even consider leaving Americans behind to be murdered or held hostage for ransom? This is no mistake. This is TREASON.”

“Who spends 20 years, trillions of taxpayer dollars and American lives and limbs, then just runs away so China can waltz right in and take possession of all the lithium and rare-earth minerals? No one is this dumb. This is no mistake. This is TREASON.”

At this point I am finding it increasingly hard to believe that stupidity alone could lead to this big of a disaster. One idiotic decision … perhaps. Two bonehead decisions … possible, but against the odds! But multiple dopey decisions, one right after the other … at this point I am no longer at a loss for words. I am convinced. There is no P.C. way to say this as I am hearing more and more calls to … “string-up the treacherous bas***d.” 


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