Too Little, Too Late … Why?

In a number of places like Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia suits have been filed concerning some of the skullduggery in the Nov., 2020 election. Now, however, all of these suits are “too little, too late,” because they cannot change the results of an election in those states because the results have been “certified.” 

At this point in time, l have two basic questions concerning the results of the 2020 election. 

First, why are the Democrats, just about everywhere, loudly protesting anyone looking into those results? Any Trump claim that the election was fraudulent is always prefaced in the MSM by the word, “false” … it is always “the false claim,” although to the best of my knowledge his statements have never been adjudicated one way or the other. They consistently fall back on the “if you repeat something often enough, the public will believe it to be true.” (Uninformed voters will say, “Since they keep saying ‘false claim’ on the TV news, it must be true.”) If the MSM referred to Trump’s claims as “unsubstantiated,” that would be a step in the direction of truthful reporting. If I were an honest Democratic politician, I would want to know the truth, and if investigations are needed to find out the truth, so be it.

My second question involves the length of time that it is taking to look into the claims of cheating. Many state courts have ducked this issue, but “Why?” The Supreme Court ducked this issue, but “Why.” I actually have a possible answer as to “Why,” but I warn you that nobody will like it.

At this point, a personal story. One of my neighbors is a Superior Court Judge, and I have noticed the elaborate security system that she has equipped her house with. “Why such an elaborate system?”, I asked her. Her answer was quite telling … “As part of my job, I put bad guys away. They do not like that, and so I must protect myself and my family.”

Other than the election “irregularities,” but in the same general area, I have a few issues with the recent Chauvin trial in Minneapolis. The trial not moved to a different venue as requested by the defense … “Why?” The jury was not sequestered … “Why?” A mistrial was not declared after Maxine Waters made threatening and incendiary statements close to where the trial was being held. …”Why?”

My possible answer to all of the above “Why?” questions is the same … perhaps intimidation, some subtle and some not so subtle intimidation.

How hard could it be for “bad guys” to find out where Judge Cahill and his extended family live in the Minneapolis area? How hard could it be for the “bad guys” to find out where the children or the grandchildren of the nine Supreme Court Justices live or go to school? Similarly how hard could it be for the “bad guys” to discover just about everything concerning a district court judge in any of the states with contested presidential election results ?

Now let’s be clear here. I am not saying that any of these judges and justices have chosen to take the easy and safe way out by ducking. I am also not implying that they all prematurely bailed out of the batter’s box because BLM is known to have a very high and hard head-high fastball. I am merely raising this question.

In my book, The Keneally Chronicles, there was an attempt to intimidate a Supreme Court Justice. Did that Justice, Justice Anthony Keneally, cave into the pressure?

Sorry, but you will have to read the book to find out. (BTW: The Keneally Chronicles is available on Amazon.)

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