“Those Who … Deserve Neither”

Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Was Mr. Franklin prescient as to what is happening today with the “vaccine mandates?,” or was he merely a wise man.

At this point United Airlines has mandated that it’s 67,000 employees get vaccinated, whereas three other major airlines have said that they would not dictate that their employees be vaccinated. Is it legal for United to make this demand? As is becoming more typical, the Supreme Court is again ducking major issues … this time Judge Coney Barrett in a case involving mandatory vaccinations at Indiana University.

Before I go any further, let’s be clear … I am fully vaccinated and am not anti-vaccine, but rather I am, like Ben Franklin … pro freedom.

Today I read an article titled, “Fight Back: Here’s How People Are Legally Resisting Dystopian Diktats to Get a Covid Shot or Be Fired.”

The following excerpts are from that article:

“At this point nobody really knows what role this virus will take in American life from here on out. The only thing we do know is that Democrat Party elected officials believe the best way to deal with it is by authoritarian diktats. Their reflexive reaction is to bury freedom in the name of safety.

A civil rights attorney, Robert Barnes, has the ideas on how to legally fight these vaccine mandates. They include the following:

-Challenges to the FDA

-Religious exemptions

-Experimental Vaccines Cannot be Compelled

-The Americans With Disabilities Act 

-What If You’ve Already Had Covid?

-Civil Rights Violations

This Aug. 10th article from PJ Media by Victoria Taft  is long and detailed on each of the above legal options to mandated vaccine policies. In addition there are many sample letters that can be written to bosses, CEOs, etc. to back up one’s individual reason for refusing to be vaccinated.

To close I want to reemphasize what Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

(FYI: This wise saying by Ben Franklin is spoken to his law clerks by Judge Anthony Keneally in The Keneally Chronicles, a fictional novella available on Amazon.)


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