This Tells It All !

What goes into picking a VP running mate for a Presidential election? Obviously, multiple things – enough so that a candidate now apparently must have committee make the decision. While I am sure that Trump had a committee of sorts in 2016 before he chose Pence as his running mate,  no reasonable person could doubt that it was Donald Trump who made the final decision. This year with Joe Biden, who will make the final decision? On paper, the answer is Joe Biden, but everyone is aware that it is very unlikely that Sleepy Joe will actually make this decision . . . or for that matter will independently make any decision in the near future.

The fact that months ago Basement Joe said that he was going to choose a female as his running mate tells it all. To my way of thinking, this “my VP choice will be a woman” tells a lot about Biden’s campaign strategy . . . It’s dumb! If he had it set in his mind that he truly wanted a female running mate, why announce that months ago? The fact that he has announced that his choice will be a female means that he has already potentially eliminated about fifty percent of potential candidates(i.e. he has eliminated all males). It would seem to me that his choice would have more standing with the public, if in the end he could say that he chose the best candidate, and not merely the best woman.

Let’s be clear, for the good of the country, I want Joe to lose to Trump. However, just for the sake of discussion, from the viewpoint of the independent voter who would be Biden’s best choice.

Let’ first consider which state the VP choice is from. Should she be able to guarantee that her home state will turn out and vote for Biden?

Kamala Harris and Karen Bass are both from California and California will vote for Biden even if Minnie Mouse were his BP choice. So no added benefit here. Susan Rice teaches at American University and so probably lives in D.C. No added benefit here. Elizabeth Warren is from Massachusetts, no again no added benefit here.

Baggage? Which VP candidate has the most baggage? 

Rice: Benghazi

Bass: Castro, Cuba

Warren: Pocahontas! Need I say more?

Harris: no real baggage except perhaps her past life as a ? mistress ofWillie  Brown (hearsay, innuendo!); however, she was a prosecutor, and this is  not a  good thing from the perspective of the Democrat’s base.

I could go on here, but truthfully I am getting exhausted trying to find good things to say about his potential pick. The fact that this is about a bunch of second-stringers tells it all! I believe that none of them have the cojones or the qualifications to be President, and since the present Las Vegas odds on Biden completing one full term are presently 3:2 . . . HELP!

The best I can hope for now is that the three also-rans VP contenders will get p.o.-ed when Miss Summer-Fall-Winer-Spring has finally been chosen.

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