This is Nuts !

Today for the first time in over fifty days, I went to one of my favorite places – Costco. I had been told that things at Costco were fine, so I got into the “old farts” special time line. I managed to find a spot in the parking lot that was  within walking distance of the store. Because I was in the higher risk age group, I was able to go to the front of the line . . . the long line. Because Costco was limiting the numbers of people they were letting in, I was expecting plenty of wide open spaces . . . wrong!
It was pretty crowded! Now granted, it wasn’t holiday weekend crowded, but six foot clear spaces were few and far between.
Were those inside the store wearing masks? Absolutely, as you needed a face-mask to get in the store! However, the positioning of the masks on the faces was another story altogether . . . some under the chin, some up over the chin, some under the nose, some covering the nose. 

The line to get out was anything but short . .. at least a thirty minute wait . . . all the while keeping the suggested six foot safety distance ? Hardly! 

Again as stated before, I love Costco . . . usually!

Now while I can go into that store with the rest of the herd, I cannot get my hair cut, even though the safety factor in a barber shop is eons above that today at Costco. Again, remember . . . I love Costco! But, this is nuts? Does anybody, other than me, suspect that our Governor has never been to either a Costco or to a neighborhood barbershop.

Furthermore, the longer this goes on the more nuts it is! 

As I have questioned before, what is the end game here? 

For each individual, there appears to be limited options:

-Stay inside . . . protected from outside contact until . . . ? Until you die from old age, or until a vaccine (of dubious effectiveness) is available. Semi-miserable  the whole time.

-Go about your normal business, and take your chances. With this option, at some point you are likely to be exposed to and get infected by the coronavirus. This could happen tomorrow, next month, or never! If you do get this virus, the chance of dying is much less than 5%, while the chance that you will be asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic is much, much higher than 5%, and then consequently there is the very high probability that from then on, you will be immune.

Which option do I choose? 

This is nuts!
Easy! Let me get my hair cut! I will take my chances!

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