They Are At It Again

Ho-Hum! They are at it again. They, being the state of California, it’s attorney general, and its governor, and they are in the process of mounting their 32nd legal challenge to the Trump administration. As one of the chumps that lives here in California, I ask again, “Who is paying for all of these legal challenges?” Of course, I already know the answer . . . the taxpayers of California are paying the bill.
This particular legal challenge involves the EPA changing the proposed automobile mileage standards for 2022-2025. Using the typical liberal tactic of attacking the speaker, Governor Brown called the EPA chief, Scott Pruitt, “Outlaw Pruitt,” and accused him of “breaking the law.” (EPA officials declined to respond to the name-calling by the governor.)
Rather than suing and name-calling the issue is whether or not the EPA has the authority and legal standing to change the present mileage standards. Where did these standards originate? Are the present standards actually law, or are they merely some rules that were formulated by unelected bureaucrats?
In 2010 the EPA and the NHTSA established a National Program of new standards for gas mileage. As we all probably know the EPA is an independent agency of the federal government, and back in 2010 the chief of the EPA was Lisa Jackson, who was appointed by Barack Obama. The NHTSA is an agency of the Executive branch of the U.S. Government, a part of the Department of Transportation, and in 2010 the chief administrator was David Strickland, who for eight years prior was a Democratic Senior Counsel on a Senate Committee. I am not alleging any impropriety with Mrs. Jackson or Mr. Strickland, but both were appointed and neither was an elected official.
If these unelected officials can play a big part in 2010, why can’t different unelected officials formulate a new plan in 2018? Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
The educated response from California officials, Jerry Brown and Xavier Becerra, “Those #*%#&x* ; we don’t like dat; we don’t like dem!”

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