The Wuhan Flu Is Still the Flu

Today somebody asked me my opinion of the Wuhan flu. I will start out by saying that I think that it is similar to what influenza was like before we had flu shots. Prior to flu shots everybody was at risk for the flu, and many who were older and more infirm, died as a result of the flu. How is that different from the Wuhan flu of today? I do not think that it is much different. 
There are three basic differences:

-This flu is much more contagious than in prior years. On average a single person with this Wuhan flu will infect more than two others.

-The incubation period is much longer, and so a lot of the person to person spread occurs before the one with the virus is even aware that he/she has it. This long incubation period just adds to the spread.

-The world is a much smaller place than it was years ago. Travel is much easier, and because individuals can go from China to the U.S. to Europe in just a day or so.

But in the end the Wuhan flu is still the flu. A bad flu . . . Yes, but the flu, nonetheless. Will people die from it? Yes, and like basically all illnesses, the older you are,  the less likely that you are going to do well. At my age my mortality rate is statically about 7% if I catch it . . . but this means that I have a 93% chance of recovering.
I have had the regular flu in the past. I did not like it. I felt like crap for weeks. If I catch this one, I will not be a happy camper. Don’t get me wrong, I am doing all of the usual things to prevent me from catching it      .  . . hand washing, purell, etc., however we are still watching our grandkids and going shopping for groceries. Our life style will take a minor hit, but que sera,sera.

Right now my biggest concern is the an economic one. I am not sure at this point in time if the economic damage that is going to be done will be worth it. Many people will lose their jobs, and a lot of these jobs will not come back in the near future. IRAs and 401K are being destroyed. In 2009, the Swine Flu, H1N1, started off like gangbusters. Lots of people died, including children. The economy took a hit, but the country survived without the draconian measures that are being taken today. I sometimes wonder if the difference is that 2020 is an election year, and 2009 was not.

In the end, go with the flow, say your prayers, and stay safe., and as someone I know said, “Use gloves to get your mail!”

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