The White Dresses

No, I did not record President Trump’s State of the National speech tonight . . . I watched it live. 

Surprise, surprise! I loved it!

The litany of the economic gains under his administration was a great lead off, and his strong message continued throughout.

What I thought was the most impressive to me was the behavior of the “white dresses,” i.e., the liberal women in the House. Keep in mind that only a month or so prior, the House Democrats, with a minimum number of exceptions, voted to impeach the President . . . also recall that all of the “white dresses” were anti-Trump on this issue. I understand them not standing or even applauding President Trump’s accomplishments, but they were OTL when it came to applauding the U.S. Despite your hate for the President, and no matter your political affiliation, some things should be applauded by everybody. Shame on the “white dresses!” Once or twice Nancy Pelosi gave these “white dresses” the stare-down, meaning “please don’t embarrass us even more than you already are.”

Who is watching the State of the Union? and Why is this important?

Republicans are watching. Democrats, not so much. Independents . . . I sure hope so! Towards the end of his speech the President laid out some of the striking differences in position on certain things such as late-term abortion, free of government health care for illegals, and sanctuary cities and states, protecting criminals. Certainly some Independents will be for some of these Democrat positions, and some will be against them – “you can’t please all of the Independents all of the time.” Hopefully a lot of Independents will be swayed by the President’s speech tonight, but more do I hope that a lot of Independents will be disgusted by the unpatriotic behavior of the “white dresses!” And to top it off, the pinnacle of uncouth behavior was Nancy Pelosi ripping up her copy of the President’s speech shortly after he had finished with the cameras still focused on her.

Thank you, “white dresses,” thank you Speaker Pelosi!

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