The Unfriendly Skies

The Friendly Skies?

It appears that so far United Airlines has the faux pas of the 21st century thanks to a  Sunday night (4/9/17)  video showing security dragging a man off one of its airplanes. The CEO of United Airlines then compounded the problem by saying that the passenger was “disruptive and belligerent”, and praised his staff as going “above and beyond”!

Let’s get this straight – the passenger was a 69 year old grandpa!

Coincidentally the day after this incident, I received a card in the mail offering me 50,000 bonus miles on United Airlines if I got a United Visa Card. I read the small print, but did not find the part about involuntarily giving up my seat on a United flight for no apparent reason. I also could not find the part stating that it was okay to drag me down the airplane aisle at the apparent whim of some United employee, who was going “above and beyond”.

So far I am going to pass on this credit card.

The other thing is that the victim was a Vietnamese-American physician, Dr. David Dao, who was trying to insure that he could get back to Louisville to see his scheduled Monday morning patients. Obviously United felt that it was much more important that its employees get to Louisville for a scheduled Monday flight than Dr. Dao for his scheduled patients.

So much for “The Friendly Skies”!

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