The Secret Word

Back over fifty years ago there was a radio and then a T.V. show called You Bet Your Life starring Groucho Marx. By today’s standards it was really bush league with contestants starting off with $25 and years later $100! The “secret word” part of the show was hokey, at best, even back then. If any of the contestants said the “secret word,” a bizarre duck-like Groucho Marx caricature complete with glasses and a mustache, dropped from the ceiling, and the contestants won an extra $25!It was this secret word that made me think of this old show . . . but kind of in the opposite direction. I think that if there is the secret word in any of the nationwide syndicated news articles, our local paper will not print that syndicated news article. As an aside I have written multiple letters-to-the-editor, but if my letter contains this secret word, there is no chance that it will be printed. The secret word is “illegal.”

Let me give a few recent examples to prove my point:

Recently, Wilbur Ernesto Martinez Guzman, a nineteen year old illegal from El Salvador was charged with murdering four people in Nevada during armed burglaries from 1/10 – 1/15/19. He had been in the U.S illegally for about 1 year and was living in Carson City, Nevada with his mother and his siblings. Was this story carried in my local paper? . . . No!

Border patrol stopped Jose Gomez, an illegal, on 1/28 while he was attempting to sneak back into California from Mexico. Señor Gomez  had been convicted of Felony Child Molestation in Georgia (2007), and previously had been convicted of Felony Abduction and Kidnapping  in Virginia (1999). Was this story carried in my local paper? . . . No!

Gustavo Perez Arriaga, an illegal, was recently arrested and charged with the murder of a California police officer, Ronil Singh. This story made the national news and so my local paper was forced to print this story, buried deep on the inside of the paper. However, over the last few weeks an additional seven people have been arrested and charged with aiding-and-abetting Señor Arriaga’s potential escape to Mexico. All seven are illegals! Was the story of any of these arrests carried in my local paper? . . . No!

But perhaps the most glaring example of the “secret word” being an absolute no-no in my local newspaper is Kevin McCarthy’s (R,CA) speech last week in the House of Representatives. Now I can already hear some of you saying that speeches in the House are numerous and obviously not all of them can be commented on in the newspaper. However, what made this speech extremely unusual, and thus newsworthy, is that it was followed by a standing ovation by all of the House members that were present (both Democrats and Republicans), their staff, and those visitors in the gallery! You read that right . . . a standing O! What did the House Minority Leader do to elicit such a reaction from an albeit sparse group of legislators?  He read the names of fifty 50 Americans that have been killed by illegals. Again was this story carried by my local paper . . . No!

Perhaps newspapers not carrying stories containing the secret word should be illegal!

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