The Scofflaw !

Purposely, I am not going to mention the name of the Scofflaw, as I do not want this essay to potentially be used in court against  him . . . or possibly against her.( So I do not have to write “him or her” every time I mention him/her, from now on I am just going to refer to him/her as “him.”  Whew, I’m glad we’ve got that settled!)

So anyway, “he” has been trying to walk every day for exercise especially during this semi-quarantine situation. Someone may have already previously mentioned spotting him stepping over the “do not cross, crime scene” yellow police tape in order to walk around his neighborhood empty park. Let me emphasize that this is only a rumor! Anyway, the place he usually walks was “protected” by yellow “do not cross, crime scene” tape. (“Protected from whom?”, he wondered.)  Because the rumor was that he may have been “captured” on film on the last yellow tape “jumping” escapade, he decided to go to another place to walk . . . kinda like walking incommunicado, so to speak. He then drove over to the local lake (reservoir) that he had walked around before. As he drove up, he noted a large number of cars parked on the street adjacent to the “do not cross, crime scene” yellow police tape across the entrance. Fortunately for the Scofflaw, someone had apparently already cut one of these tapes, so the Scofflaw did not actually have to break the law. (What law? Walking alone on public property!) As the Scofflaw was walking slowly around the lake, he saw about fifty other scofflaws – black, white, brown, yellow, babies, children, and adults, both young and old – actually one women appeared to be older than the Scofflaw! No one came within the six feet unacceptable distance, except for one biker who went whizzing past, and the policewoman who rolled down her window to tell the Scofflaw that the lake was closed. Interestingly off all those at the lake, only the policewoman came realistically closer than six feet – actually she came within two to three feet of the Scofflaw’s face . . . she without a mask. The Scofflaw did finish his entire 58 minute walk without any other contact . . . in fact without any other near contact.
The Scofflaw has lived to “jump” the yellow “keep out, this is a crime scene” tape again – perhaps to walk another day!

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