The Phase of the Moon

On most days Merriam-Webster sends me a word of the day. Usually I have a fair idea of its meaning, but the other day … nada, no idea, zilch. The word that day was “gibbous.” Before I tell you what “gibbous” means … any takers?

From Merriam-Webster “Gibbous is most often used to describe a moon or planet that is seen with more than half, but not all, of the apparent disk illuminated, for instance, a gibbous moon.” I was not dismayed that I was not familiar with that astrological term, but it did get me think a bit about the moon. When I was practicing medicine, I was very suspicious that the phase of the moon affected behavior – more specifically that a full moon affected behavior. On some days by lunchtime I was convinced that there must be a full moon, because I had seen some unusual and strange things that morning, and most of the time I was right … indeed, the moon was full.

On the same day that I learned the meaning of “gibbous,” Joe Biden had an editorial published … an editorial that he supposedly wrote. If you believe that the editorial was actually written by Joe himself … well, I’ve got a bridge to sell you! How could it be that Mr. Biden, who cannot properly read a teleprompter (“end of quote, repeat the line” … OMG!) could personally pen an editorial? Not possible, you say … unless, perhaps, “our President’s” behavior and his not infrequent faux pas are related to the phase of the moon! 

From now on I am going to pay attention to the phase of the moon whenever J.B. speaks. I will not be surprised to discover that his faux pas index rises appreciably when the moon is full. However, even when the moon is gibbous, he is far far from a scholar that could write an editorial.



143 Replies to “The Phase of the Moon”

  1. Joe has no problem penning an article or making a speech as long as he’s plagiarizing someone else.

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