The Little Guy

It seems more and more that the day to day life of the little guy is being manipulated, controlled, and pushed around by big business and big corporations. To me these recent developments are not “politics as usual.” A practical definition of a politician could be someone who tries to influence, mold, or form the opinions of the little guy. (“Global warning is bad for you, and so you must do X. It doesn’t matter that gas prices have gone up about $1.00 in the last few months. Suck it up for the good of the team!”) A lot of politicians feel comfortable with selling the little guy a bill of goods, because they feel that that’s their job. Truth, veracity, honesty, etc. does not need to play a role. Does the little guy realize that the term, “honest politician” is often an oxymoron? Probably not, but that’s what politicians do.

On the other hand a business is in business for the most part to sell the little guy it’s product. (“Eat or drink X or Y because it tastes good, is good for you, costs less, etc.”) That’s what companies do. They advertise. They market. Oftentimes they stretch the truth, but they are not politicians . . . until here just recently when some companies have decided that it is part of their job description to manipulate and control how the little guy thinks.(“The state of Georgia gas been a bad boy, and it is our duty to educate you little guys on what should be done. Boycott Georgia, because we do not agree with the Georgia legislature.”)

How does the little guy feel about this role transformation? How does the little guy feel about corporations stepping into politics? Take a guess. Maybe we should do a poll . . . Already done:

CV NEWS FEED // A new NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist Poll found that a sizable majority of Americans oppose corporate influence in politics.

The poll asked “Do you support or oppose American companies using their public role, position, or events to influence political, cultural, or social change?” 

Among all respondents, 57% said they oppose the influence of American businesses, while only 36% said they support it.

This polling result is particularly significant in light of recent efforts by major corporations to put pressure on GOP legislators not to pass any bills to ensure against voter fraud.

So why are corporations acting like this? Why have they entered into the slimy realm of politics? Could it be because they feel that the little guy is not sufficiently “woke?” . . . whereas they are.

What’s next? Will politicians tell the little guy to drink Coke or fly Delta? Or worse will big businesses next be telling the little guy how to vote?

A very slippery slope. Be very careful, American little guy.

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