The Gestapo In the U.S. ?

I just read a story about a retired couple in San Marcos, Texas, and it certainly reminded me of the Gestapo. It wasn’t the couple, Lora DeWolfe and Darrel Kennemer, that acted like the Gestapo, but rather it was the FBI. As you read the following, keep in mind that it could be you the next time. It could be you that are in a similar situation … right here in the U.S.A.!

From the Epoch Times:

Their ordeal began when their gate alarm woke them up in the pre-dawn hours of June 22, DeWolfe said. At first, they thought a deer had tripped the alarm, but DeWolfe got up and saw a white car. Kennemer got his AR-15 rifle and went outside, not knowing what to expect, she said.

“I’m seeing one single white vehicle moving pretty fast, and I was thinking someone’s going to die,” Kennemer said.

FBI officers got out of the white vehicle and told Kennemer, who had his rifle up in the air, to drop his weapon. He kept his rifle and asked the FBI to show him a warrant. Kennemer said someone threw a flash-bang at him repeatedly because he wouldn’t drop his weapon at first.

(FYI: A stun grenade, also known as a flash grenade, flashbang, thunderflash or sound bomb, is a device used to temporarily disorient an enemy’s senses. It is designed to produce a blinding flash of light of around 7 megacandela (Mcd) and an intensely loud “bang” of greater than 170 decibels (dB).[2] It was first used by the British Army’s Special Air Service in the late 1970s.)

DeWolfe said he put the gun down when she came out of the house. She noticed red laser sights trained on both of them.

“There was a drone flying around and an aircraft,” she said. “They never showed a warrant until the end.”

DeWolfe then tried calling a neighbor before the FBI told them to drop their phones, which ended up recording the first few minutes of the raid.

Agents entered the house and threw a flash-bang that frightened their dogs, causing one to run away, DeWolfe said.

Agents split them up and began questioning them. They showed Kennemer a blurry photo of a man at the Capitol with facial hair similar to his, according to Kennemer. They asked him about breaking a window, which he denied as well.

Both said they went no further than the Capitol steps on Jan. 6 and did not harm anyone or damage anything. They said the allegation of assault was false, and the FBI kept showing Kennemer a blurry photo of a man who looked similar but wasn’t Kennemer.

Later that day, DeWolf was able to call her daughter, Ricci Bratton, to tell her what happened. Bratton, who served in the U.S. Airforce, said her mom called her around 1 p.m

“You want to talk about surreal—my first instinct was you’re kidding. There’s no way,” Bratton told The Epoch Times.

Bratton said she thought her mother was in shock but was trying to remain calm.

“It wasn’t a knock at the door. That’s for sure,” Bratton said. “I can’t believe this is happening. You don’t believe it’s happening to your family.”

You don’t believe that it could happen in your own country! … but it is!


136 Replies to “The Gestapo In the U.S. ?”

  1. Meeting heavily armed law enforcement with an AR15 in hand wasn’t in retrospect particularly prudent.

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