The Deplorable Freeloaders

Why did Hillary Clinton lose the presidential election? There are of course many varying opinions as to ‘Why’, but in my opinion she lost the election when, on a Friday night in September, 2016 she said the following – “. . . you could put half of the Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.” She was playing to her audience of supporters, and this statement was cheered by the crowd at her fund-raiser in NYC – but she just directly insulted approximately 25 million people. Mr. Trump received over 62 million votes in the November election, and I surmise that more than half were insulted by her ‘deplorable statement’!  I know that I was.

Last week California Governor Jerry Brown committed a similar faux-pas when speaking on behalf of Josh Newman (D, Fullerton). Mr. Newman had voted for the outrageous new Democratic gas tax and is now facing a potential recall vote. Granted Jerry Brown is not running again, but I do not think that he did Josh Newman any favors by insulting those that do not agree with the gas tax and Newman’s deciding vote. Californians already pay the second highest price for gas in the country – second only to Hawaii, and a present gas tax of over 38 cents per gallon. But, alas, the collected gas taxes (that are supposed to be used to maintain the roads) seemed  to have “disappeared”, as the percent of roadways in the state that are in sub-optimal condition is 68%, despite the fact that for the most part, California does not have winter.

When describing those who did not agree with him on this tax, the Democratic governor said, “Freeloaders, I’ve had enough of them!” And then just for good measure he added, “they have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they are following suit!”

There are so many things wrong with this Hillary-esque statement that even “Moonbeam Brown” probably now regrets it, as he just insulted a whole bunch of Californians, the majority of whom are not Republicans.

To start with, whether Jerry wants to admit it or not, Donald Trump is the president for us all – not just the ‘freeloaders’, whoever they may be. And of course just to fire up his Democratic crowd, he then calls the President of the U.S.A. as well as the ‘freeloaders’ . . . Liars!

However, the most egregious part of the statement is the use of the term, ‘freeloaders’. Even though I was pretty sure that I knew the definition the ‘freeloaders’, I looked it up at ‘’. A ‘freeloader’ is “one who takes advantage of others for free food, entertainment, etc.” It’s almost like he took oratory lessons from Mr. Obama: “If you like your doctor, you can keep him” – as Brown’s ‘freeloaders’ are actually the ones paying the freight.

In this situation who are the supposed freeloaders? Who are those who are going to be most affected by this punitive tax? It is not going to be those who sit at home but those who drive, typically those who drive to work. It is not going to be those who really are freeloaders – who pay no taxes, and who are actually taking advantage of those that do.  It is not going to be those who drive hybrids or electric cars, but rather those who can only afford the older used cars that typically get the poorest gas mileage.

It is going to be the working poor and the working middle-class.

Mr. Brown, are these people really ‘freeloaders’?

Does Jerry Brown ever actually drive? . . . No, he is actually driven around by a driver!  Does Jerry Brown ever pay for the gas in the car that chauffeurs him around?  . . . No, we, the taxpayers, pay for his gas.

So who is the real ‘freeloader’ here?

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