The Contrarian !

I am positive that I will get some negative feedback concerning my opinion on California’s Governor Newsom deciding to give up to 150,000 illegals in California $500 as part of a coronavirus relief effort. Potentially this relief fund will cost the state $75 million of taxpayer money. At this point California is the only state to set aside money, specifically coronavirus related money for illegals. Although I would never ever pretend that I could speak for Governor Newsom, I would think that his line of reasoning might go something like this:

“These illegals live and work in our state and compromise about 10% of the local work force. They pay their fair-share of state and local taxes, and are not eligible for any of the federal money that will be distributed to legal federal taxpayers. We, in California, accept them as equals here in our state. How are they to survive when they are laid off and thus unemployed? $500 won’t go far, but hopefully it will sustain many for a month or so. We owe it to them.”

Now for the proverbial kick in the groin…I have to agree with the governor’s decision on this matter. California does not have to do this, but it is the humane thing to do. My beef with most illegals is not that they are here, as I could imagine myself doing the same thing if I found myself in a situation south of the border where I could not feed my family. My beef with illegals is that I do not want them to be legal citizens, and especially I do not want them voting. Let’s be perfectly clear on this matter. I do not support the concept of sanctuary cities or a sanctuary state, but with the Wuhan coronavirus, we are all in this together.

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