The Chutzpah Award

I was in a quandary whether to call this “the chutzpah award” or “the hutzpah award,” or “the chutzpa award,” but realistically the spelling is irrelevant. The winner this year is . . . California Governor Gavin Newsom … hands down. Granted California has multiple problems, including the highest poverty rate of any state, high taxes, syringes and human waste on the streets of some of its largest cities, and the costliest and least reliable power in the nation. However the Chutzpah Award goes to Gavin Newsom for him suggesting that “we need an investigation into why the recent power outages have occurred!”  OMG! A second grader could probably answer that question . . . the recent power outages occurred because there is not enough fossil fuel providing  power in California. When the sun goes down, or when there is a paucity of sun for what ever reason, it should be pretty obvious that solar and wind are not the answer. 

From the Wall Street Journal: 

It is interesting that municipalities of Los Angeles and Sacramento were spared power outages.The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power get 48% of its power from coal or gas. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District gets 54% from gas. Compare that to the 15-17% for the private utilities, PG&E and Southern California Edison. (WSJ asks whether or not these private utilities are more important easily bullied by the greenies?) 

Keep in mind that California accounts for only a measly 0.1% of global emissions . . . so why do we have to have blackouts? If anyone can explain to me the logic of imposing blackouts on many innocent citizens because of an unrealistic Sacramento reliance on sun & wind, I am listening! 

I propose that we need an investigation!

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