The Biden Non-plan

Thus far I have purposely not commented on Biden’s border crisis. I refer to it as “Biden’s border crisis” because that is exactly what it is. In the process of the carrying out his spiteful form of Trump revenge, he now owns this crisis. Instead of taking time to thoughtfully review Trump’s approach to just about anything, he (or whomever is making decisions for him) has decided to embark on his own version of “cancel culture.” One of the major problems with Biden’s border plan is that there is no apparent plan, and thus the country is left with chaos. 

Has anyone asked President Biden ( or whomever is making the decisions for him) what the long term plan is? If anyone knows the answer to that question, please let me know. As best I can tell his most recent “solution” was to go On Air to plead with people across Central America and beyond NOT to come. All that tells me is that President Biden (or whomever is making the decisions for him) either is clueless about life in Central America, or has no interest in stopping the flow of migrants across our southern border. How does President Biden (or whomever is making the decisions for him) think that the people in Central America will be cognizant of “his plea?” Joe, FYI, for the most part those in Central America do not have TVs. They also do not read newspapers, as newspapers are not delivered to their shanties, and if they were, it wouldn’t matter as illiteracy is endemic. 

When their neighbors leave for Los Estados Unidos and do not return, the message is something akin to . . . “They made it, so we should also go for it.” Why would they think otherwise? Unfortunately the “plan” of “pleading with those in Central America not to come” is a fool’s errand, and will accomplish nothing.

I do not like the present border situation, but the Biden’s plan (or the plan of whomever is making the decisions for him) is a nonsensical non-plan, as with it, there will be no end to the migration to Los Estados Unidos. Yesterday, I read a statement from a man from Brazil who has brought his entire family to the border. He stated that crime is rampant in Brazil and he so he headed north because Biden was now the President. Brazil!!  First Central America, and now South America. I feel for him and his family, but the solution is not to have anyone who resides south of our border head north. 

Recently a self-identified liberal asked me in a group email if anyone had a better solution than Biden’s non-solution. I answered, “yes, I do.”

First of all, let’s be clear, my solution is not a total solution, as there will never be a total solution. As Christ said in Matthew 26:6-13,  “The poor you will always have with you.” Likewise from Deuteronomy 15:11, “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded . . . “ 

My solution is twofold:

First: Make life in Central America better for those that live there. This will involve individual charitable giving to provide food and shelter for those who are living there now.(Google “Food for the Poor” [FFP] if you are actually interested in helping.) To me, perhaps even more importantly, is to attempt to provide at least a partial remedy for the future in Central America by improving the education of the children so that they will have a chance when they grow up. 

Build schools. For instance, whereas elementary  education is free for children in Honduras as long as the child has shoes, there are not nearly enough actual schools . . . schools that  have roofs and actual walls without holes, so that the children can actually learn. Donate school supplies, as obviously it is difficult if not impossible to learn without pencils, paper and books. (Again FFP if you are truly interested.)

Second: Where are the millions of U.S. churches during this crisis?  I would propose that churches, synagogues, etc. sponsor families from Central America. By “sponsor,” I mean totally provide for them now and subsequently totally provide for them  for ten years . . . food, clothing, shelter, education, etc. As best I can tell, I have never heard anyone propose that individual churches step-up. To put it politely to all of those who are in a tizzy over the chaos at the border . . . “Put your money where your mouth is.”

I am sure that there are many more practical solutions to at least partially help with Biden’s border crisis.” If anyone has a connection to Mr. Biden ( or to those who are making the decisions for him), please pass this along.

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