
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Today is the day when each of us should reflect on the good things that we have – those things for which we should be thankful. I am extremely grateful for a whole bunch of stuff. Where to begin?
First and foremost I am grateful that I was born in and I live in the U.S.A. Think about living someplace else in the world. Think about what you would be thinking about if you resided elsewhere in the world . . . you would be thinking about how you could get to the U.S.A. A lot of people from a lot of places want to try to come here. I sympathize with them and if I lived someplace else, I would likewise be thinking about how I could get here. A lot of you are possibly countering by saying, “What a hypocrite! He often comes out against illegal immigration, but then he says that if it was he, that he also would try to get here. Yes, that is correct. I do not hold it against those who do whatever they can to come here, but rather I do hold it against those politicians who play the “immigrant game” for their own personal benefit. I did not say that illegal immigrants should automatically get all of the benefits of citizenship. They should not get free education, free health care, or for that matter, free anything as these benefits are only for legal citizens.
I do not hold it against the gardener, or the tree-trimmer, or the domestic who are here illegally, but I do hold it against those politicians who want to keep the illegals hidden in exchange for their votes. I again hear you saying, “Wait just a second, illegals don’t vote.” . . . and if you honestly believe that, “I have a bridge that I want to sell you!”
Back to Thanksgiving and being thankful.
I am thankful for my health.
I am thankful for my wife and my family.
I am thankful for my station in life.
I am thankful that I have a place to live.
I am thankful that I am not cold or hungry.
I am thankful that I am a Christian.
I am thankful for my friends.
And last but not least, I am thankful that Donald Trump is the president.
Okay, okay, I hear many of you bemoaning the fact that I have introduced politics into the fray, but I am 100% serious about Mr. Trump. I believe that his tenure as president will make things better for many in the U.S.A. and for that I am grateful.

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