“Thank You”

On Monday I received my first dose of Moderna’s Covid vaccine.

When a reasonable person receives something unexpected, I would think that a “thank-you” would be both appropriate and expected, and so I posted “Thank you, President Trump.” & “Thank you, Moderna” on Facebook.

As you  recall, back in March and April of 2020, “those in the know” were saying that producing a Covid vaccine in under a year’s time would be close to impossible. In fact they said it couldn’t be done!

Then came Operation Warp Speed . . .organized by President Trump in concert with various vaccine producers. Consequently, at this point, in January, 2021, we already have two different vaccines here in the U.S., and additional vaccines will be coming soon.

Like I said before, a reasonable person would thank someone for an unexpected gift. Did I miss Joe Biden and/or Kamala Harris saying how grateful they were to have received this unexpected vaccine gift when they were vaccinated? Keep in mind that Joe Biden was finally able to come out of his basement because he got the vaccine. Vice-President Harris threw stones and lobbed grenades at Trump’s vaccine, but then after the “election” got inoculated. The more I think about it did any Democrat politician say thank-you when they received his/her vaccine. Hmmm.

Now that has been “elected” and inaugurated, President Biden is preaching unity . . . blah, blah, blah.

“Joe, how about taking the first step toward unity by thanking President Trump for his efforts in Operation Warp Speed.”

Harris, and all Dem lawmakers could then also act like reasonable people, and give credit where credit is due . . . “Thank you President Trump for your effort in getting these Covid vaccines up and going.”

In addition, I think it would be appropriate for everyone (yes, I am talking to you!) . . .  everyone who gets a Covid vaccine to thank those responsible including Donald Trump and the individual vaccine producers. I will be checking on Facebook, Twitter, etc. for these thank-you’s.

Remember . . . I will be watching!

FYI : I also posted a similar, much shorter, more toned-down version of this same blog on Facebook on 1/22/21. If you have the time perhaps you could give me a “like.”

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