Temporary vs. Permanent

Last week ICE conducted raids in Mississippi searching for illegals working at factories. Of course, CNN played the sympathy card, emphasizing the trauma that these arrests had on the children of those that were arrested. I do not know of any other situation where the child gets to accompany the parent when the parent is taken into custody . . . but CNN played this to the hilt, even emphasizing that this all occurred on the first day of school!

“I need my dad . . . he’s not a criminal,” one little girl cried as she spoke on camera with CNN.

The headline on CNN: “680 undocumented workers arrested in record setting immigration sweep on the first day of school.” CNN continued, “Children sobbed as they waited for word on what had happened to their parents, as shown by video footage.” BTW: Way down in the article, “In Forest, Mississippi hours later, all the kids had been reunited with family members. “
A few days before, there was an article on Townhall concerning S.B. who was separated from his children, because of something that should never have happened. (BTW: This was not reported on CNN!) Mr. S.B. woke up that particular morning, and was just minding his own business when he was tragically separated from from his five children . . . not temporarily, but permanently! “He was amazing,” said his grieving wife Kathy, struggling to cope with an unimaginable loss. “It’s trying to figure out what the new normal looks like when the old normal was so good.”
No, this did not happen in Mississippi, but rather in Colorado. No, it wasn’t ICE who separated him from his family, but rather it was it was an illegal immigrant, Miguel Ramirez Valiente, who killed Sean Buchanan. Mr. Buchanan was struck while he was riding his motorcycle on Highway 83. Colorado State Patrol troopers said Ramirez Valiente was driving recklessly, swerved into Buchanan’s lane and killed him. Again from Townhall:Valiente had previously pled guilty to reckless endangerment of a child & DUI, but escaped deportation claiming sanctuary at a church while media gave him sympathetic coverage. 

But those who know Ramirez said his arrest history tells a different story, and they want the Buchanan family to know it. “This family deserves to know who they’re dealing with,” said a close acquaintance of Ramirez Valiente. “He’s an alcoholic and an abuser.” His arrest record shows charges for reckless endangerment in 2011 in Douglas County and domestic violence in 2016 in El Paso County. In 2018, he plead guilty to a 2017 charge of driving under the influence and his license was revoked, according to court records and Colorado State Patrol. On Aug. 1, one day before the deadly crash, his probation for that DUI was extended because he had not completed alcohol therapy and community service. He was driving without a license when troopers said he over-corrected and swerved into Buchanan’s lane on Aug. 2.

In Mississippi ICE temporarily separated a bunch of probable illegals from their children . . . CNN was close to apoplectic. In Colorado, an illegal without a valid driver’s license,  permanently separated a father from his five children . . . CNN was strangely quiet.

What is wrong with this picture?

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