T.D.S., T.G.B., P.T.F.

There was a recent story out of Michigan where a teacher forcibly ripped a “Women for Trump” pin off of a female students’s sweater. Was the teacher’s behavior inappropriate in this situation? A rational person would have to say, “yes,” as it is hard to imagine an appropriate reason for this type of behavior. Perhaps the teacher could have said, “I do not like Mr. Trump and although I do not agree with a lot that he does, it is your prerogative to sport such a ridiculous pin on your sweater.”

This type of behavior has been referred to as T.D.S. For those who may not know T.D.S. stands for Trump Derangement Syndrome, and the implication is that those who are affected with this disorder act inappropriately in certain situations . . . specifically in certain situations in which another individual expresses something that is complementary to the President.

There are multiple other stories of emotional and sometimes borderline violent behavior in response to someone with a a MAGA hat or a pro-Trump bumper sticker. Are these all examples of T.D.S.? Probably yes, although this type of behavior should more precisely be characterized as T.G.B. (Third Grade Behavior), as a third grader often cannot control his/her emotions, and might grab a fellow classmate’s L.A. Dodgers baseball hat and step on it. A third grader might even attempt to forcibly remove a “Go Dodgers” pin from a classmate’s sweatshirt . . . err, on the other hand this behavior may even be considered too immature for a third grader! 
In January, 2019 Psychology Today  had an article  on whether T.D.S. actually exists. This was written by a Ph.D. out of McGill University, and suggests that those who demonstrate extreme examples of T.D.S. should probably have a mental health evaluation. (No, I would not bother to read this article as it is a bunch of drivel!)

In my opinion, the disorder of T.D.S. would more aptly apply to CNN and it’s commentators who are over the top negative concerning anything that Donald  Trump does. My guess would be that many of those individuals who demonstrate T.D.S.-like behavior are those who watch an excessive amount of CNN.
However to be Fair and Balanced, I have a confession to make. Just like an individual admitting to his/her problem at an AA meeting, I have to admit that I am afflicted with  P.T.F. (Pro-Trump Fanaticism)! I agree with just about everything that he does. I often do not agree with the tone of his tweets, but I do agree with his message. I like it when he exposes Democratic drivel, as pure B.S. I like it that he sticks his finger in the eye of political correctness! In contrast to T.D.S. and CNN, I do not excessively watch Fox News . . . in fact I now watch Fox infrequently. 

In  contrast to those with T.D.S., I do not rip off and step on anti-Trump hats, etc. In fact before the election in 2016 I exhibited a lot of self control when the guy who sat next to me at the football game wore a red hat that said, “We Do Not Need to Make America Great Again . . . It’s Great Already!” BTW: I wonder if he had a good time at his planned “Clinton Victory Party”?

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