Stats Do Not Lie

Last week I wrote about another apparently healthy athlete experiencing sudden death, and I queried whether this was due to Covid vaccine induced myocarditis. One of my RINO friends essentially told me that I was exaggerating the apparent numbers of young athletes experiencing cardiac sudden death.(Paraphrasing him … young athletes are dying all the time. This is nothing new.) 

Today I read something that piqued my interest … not because it involved athletes per se, but because it involved young people. 

From The Epoch Times:

Former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd is bringing attention to the surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out.

Group life policyholders, who are typically healthier than the general population, experienced mortality spikes of 40 percent in 2021

Disability numbers among the workforce reached a high of 33.2 million in September 2022, with numbers still trending up—a highly unusual increase.

Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown” details data, some of which comes from private insurance companies, which love to sell group life insurance policies to large Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies because they hardly ever have to pay out on a claim.

Workers at these corporations tend to be in good health, with industry data suggesting the group life policyholders have one-third the mortality rate of the general U.S. population. The death rates have historically been highly predictable among this group—until 2021. A report released by the Society of Actuaries found mortality spikes of 40 percent or more that year.

Insurance companies had sizable increases in payouts for death and disability. Dowd tweeted Feb. 1, 2022, that financial insurance company Unum reported a significant increase in their benefit ratio (payouts versus premiums) in their life segment. Dowd tweeted:

“In 2021 they saw a 17.4% increase vs 2020. This is higher than the 13.3% increase vs 2019. So the higher payouts in 21 are occurring with a miracle vaccine & less virulent strains … In 2019 the unit had $266 million profit, last year a profit of $82 million & this year a loss of -$192 million. A swing of $458 million lower over 2 years. Important to remember these are employed working age folks.”

Dowd also looked into the number of disabled people in the United States, using high-frequency data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The agency uses a monthly telephone survey that asks, “Are you or someone in your home disabled and not able to work?” Prior to COVID-19 shots, Dowd said, there were 29 million to 30 million disabled people on an absolute basis, a rate that remained steady for four or five years.

In February 2021, a trend change occurred, reaching a high of 33.2 million in September 2022, with numbers still trending up. That’s a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021, which means that the chance of this happening is 0.03 percent—highly unusual.

Dowd explains, “Of the 3.2 million newly disabled Americans, 1.7 were employed but came from the employed population of the country.” This is significant, he says, because: “The employed people of this country are, generally speaking, by the very fact that they wake up in the morning, get in their car and drive to work, healthier than the general U.S. population.

“By the very nature of doing work, you’re healthier. And that’s a fact that’s never been challenged before. The health outcome for the employed has been disastrous. Since February 2021, their disability rate is up 31 percent … the general U.S. population’s disability rate is up 9 percent.”

Dowd and colleagues have been tracking what they call Humanity Projects at their website, Phinance Technologies.

These stats are not just in the U.S.

One trend they’ve found is that the more vaccinated the country, the higher the excess mortality. Denmark, which is one of the most highly vaccinated, stands out.

So, let me summarize something to my RINO friend:

Deaths in young people are up … impressively up, including healthy young people. Athletes are young healthy people, and so, it should not be surprising if their deaths were also up. Yes, athletes have been dying over the ages, but not at this rate. At this point my suspicion is that Covid vaccine induced myocarditis is the predominant underlying cause of this unusual statistical occurrence. Prove me wrong!


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