Spot On !

I usually do not invest too much time paying attention to polls, especially after the “spot-on” polls that told us who was going to win the 2016 presidential election! However, I came across some interesting poll results earlier this week, and it made me think that the Democrats are spot-on with their message to the voters. 
This survey of 1,346 adults was conducted July 15th through July 17th, 2019 by The Marist Poll sponsored in partnership with NPR and PBS NewsHour. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the contiguous United States were contacted on landline or mobile numbers and interviewed in English by telephone using live interviewers. Mobile telephone numbers were randomly selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation from Survey Sampling International. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population.
So this particular poll sounds like a reasonable sampling of the population. What was interesting to me was not what the Democrats or the Republicans thought, but what the Independents thought. As most of us are aware it is often the Independents that determine the outcome of elections.In general this poll was encouraging to me, because it should be discouraging to the Democrats!

Look at the following answers from Independents. Independents were asked if they support Medicare for All as a replacement for private health insurance (good idea/bad idea): 39/55. Again in response to the question, Is free healthcare for illegal immigrants a good idea/bad idea? Independents: 27/67. Is decriminalizing border crossings a good idea/bad idea? Independents: 24/68. Is reparations for slavery is a good idea/bad idea? Independents: 23/65. Do you think the ideas being offered by Democrats will move this country in the right direct/wrong direction. Independents: 40/48. Wow!

Remember that this poll was done in conjunction with NPR, who does not exactly have a rightward bent.  My message to the Dems at this point, “Keep on keeping on; you are spot-on!”

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