
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry” is a quote that we have all heard multiple times. It was initially popularized in the film adaptation of Erich Segal’s book, Love Story, in 1970. For you movie buffs that line was uttered twice in that film, and it is ranked #13 on the American Film Institute’s list of the best film quotes of all time.

For my son-in-law, Daniel, and those of you that are younger and perhaps not movie-goers, this line was also spoken in the movie’s clip on The Simpsons (Catch ‘Em If You Can), where Lisa retorts, “No it doesn’t!”

It is not a line that one would expect in a comedy, but since Barbara Striesand said this same line in the 1972 comedy film, What’s Up, Doc,” I think that it is apropos to quote this line when referring to the tragic comedy, better known as the Democratic Party.

As my regular readers are aware, the Democrats often do things which have a deleterious effect on the poorest among us, despite the fact that this is the group that they say they are helping. I do not yet know whether they are doing this purposely, or if they just cannot think beyond the next election.

And thus we have one of the favorites of the Democrats – the minimum wage, especially the minimum wage in California, and in San Francisco in particular. In San Francisco the minimum wage will go to $15 per hour in 2018. This wage mandate does not include the requirements for health care and paid leave. Last week I was in a McDonald’s in the Central Valley of California, and already there are kiosks that allow customers to place their own orders. Minimum wage jobs will be lost and will continue to be replaced by kiosks at McDonald’s, just as minimum wage jobs have been replaced by “self checkout” at grocery stores everywhere.

Recently the Harvard Business School and Mathmatica Policy Research economists found an increase in the closure rate of medium-rated restaurants associated with San Francisco’s rising minimum wage. Oops, more jobs lost! More people out of work!

So are the Democratic politicians saying to those who have lost their jobs (due to the increasing uses of kiosks and the closure of restaurants), “We are sorry. We miscalculated the real world effects of our minimum wage proposals.”? No, there will be no such apology as . . .

Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry!!

As if following their destructive scrip, the Democratic politicians in California are mulling over various punitive measures against companies that use workplace robots, while meanwhile in the real world Amazon is in the process of deciding on a location for a new corporate site. Amazon uses a lot of automation, so when they decide to choose someplace other than California for this new job bonanza site, will the Democrats realize the errors of their ways and apologize?

No, as being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry!

Again with the risk of being redundant, the Democratic gas tax just went into effect in California. Of course common sense would dictate that this regressive tax would hurt those among us who can least afford to pay more for gasoline.Will these politicians say that they are sorry for mismanaging the maintaining of California’s infrastructure, and apologize for hurting the working poor with this new tax? I don’t think so as . . .

Being a Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry!



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