Somethings Do Not Change

From Jason Whitlock on  Blaze media:

“Yesterday, Barack Obama wrote and published the dumbest tweet in the history of Twitter. The former president stood George Floyd on the dead bodies of 19 slaughtered children.”

Obama tweeted:

‘As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take the time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer. His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.’

“President Obama wasn’t done. He went on: ‘In the aftermath of his murder, a new generation of activists rose up to channel their anguish into organized action, launching a movement to raise awareness of systemic racism and the need for criminal justice and police reform.’”

For the record, Jason Whitlock is black and played offensive line at Ball State back in his college days. For those not familiar with Jason Whitlock! he is an American sports journalist, columnist, and podcaster. He hosts a program for the media company Blaze Media, where he hosts the show Fearless with Jason Whitlock. Whitlock is a former columnist at the Kansas City StarAOL, and ESPN.

In addition for those not familiar with Jason Whitlock … he does not mince his words. He continued:

“What happened in Uvalde, Texas, is no different from what has been going on in America’s major cities in the aftermath of George Floyd. Police officers are reluctant to engage with criminals, and violent crime has skyrocketed because of it.

“As Barack Obama pretends to grieve for the children in Texas, he should make time to recognize that America’s emotional and immature reaction to George Floyd contributed to the slaughter of 19 little kids.”

Wow! Jason Whitlock is not shy as he comes out guns ablasin’.

As most of you are aware I have no time for either B.O. or J.B., and somethings do not change. Whereas J.B.’s initial comments on this Robb School massacre were nothing but an unfeeling politicized rant, to me it is over the top to blame B.O. for the actions of a mentally deranged individual in Texas.


142 Replies to “Somethings Do Not Change”

  1. I describe “BO” as the divider in chief. No President has done more to stoke racial division , identity and class warfare than Obama. His understudy “JB” has continued his legacy.

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