Some Hope ?

I just hesitantly came to the conclusion that perhaps, just perhaps, there is some hope for California. As background, last year the “woke” principal at a local high school decided to do away with honors classes in a number of different subjects. Apparently she felt that by doing away with these honors classes, and having all students take the same classes was the equitable thing to do. The parents of the students at that high school were not happy for a variety of different reasons, and wrote letters and showed up at a  PTA meeting. The principal was forced to backtrack on her decision to dumb-down the curriculum, and the honors classes were restored.

Here just recently a similar thing was happening in Culver City, California.

From the NY Post:

“Parents at a Los Angeles area school district spoke out at a Tuesday school board meeting against the administration’s decision to eliminate honors classes in the name of racial equity because they didn’t enroll enough Black and Latino students.

Earlier this school year, the Culver City Unified School District (CCUSD) replaced honors classes at Culver City High School with a one-size-fits-all approach that officials said would give students of all races an equal education, the Wall Street Journal reported. Many parents attended the school board meeting to ask the CCUSD administration to reinstate honors classes, which they laid out in a two-page resolution. 

A group of parents representing the Culver City Families for Education and Equity introduced the resolution at Tuesday’s meeting, arguing that a history of inequity requires a robust and varied array of learning opportunities, so students at all levels can get the support they need to achieve their highest potential. 

‘Our beloved local school district, Culver City Unified School District, is in crisis,’ one parent told the school board during the meeting. ‘We have entrenched patterns of disparity amongst different student populations when it comes to academic performance and an alarming reduction of educational opportunities that are available to every student with no input from key stakeholders: parents, families and students.’”

Getting down to the nitty-gritty … are all students equally prepared for high school? A resounding “NO.” Why is that? To me the answer is obvious, and can only be one or a combination of three things:

  • most students are inadequately prepared for high school, because they did not learn what they were supposed to in elementary and middle school.
  • the parents did not emphasize that learning and the hard work necessary to learn were critically important.
  • certainly all high school students do not have equal IQs; according to standard distribution curves a portion will have higher IQs and a portion will have lower IQs. This has nothing to do with the gender or the race of the children attending high school.

Culver City is in the Los Angeles area, and the fact that the parents ifirst in San Diego and then in Culver City did not like the new “woke” equity plan is encouraging. Could it be that there is actually some hope for California?!


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