
Winter is coming. Chicago has had two snowstorms prior to Halloween, and Colorado has already had its first accumulation of the white stuff. Now granted I do not live in either place, but have the photos to document the snowflakes and the results.
Of course as we get further into the winter, the snowflakes will become more frequent, but they will also become more vocal and prominent especially on college campuses, where a lot of these snowflakes will be demanding and then more demanding. Most of their protests have to do with freedom of speech, or perhaps more accurately lack of freedom of speech.” Safe zones” on campus and protests against conservative speakers are the most frequent examples of the trampling of the First Amendment on college campuses, and only seem to get more attention as administrators cave to their protests and demands. Why is our nation in this mess?
Frank Vernuccio who serves as editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government had some thoughts on this subject on Townhall:
“The simple answer is that an entire generation of Americans, perhaps two, has come of age absent the traditional understanding of and appreciation for freedom of speech.
A recent Campaign for Free Speech (CFS) survey found startling results: 51% of Americans think the First Amendment is outdated and should be rewritten. 48% believe “hate speech” should be illegal. (Of those, about half think the punishment for “hate speech” should include possible jail time, while the rest think it should just be a ticket and a fine.)80% don’t actually know what the First Amendment really protects.
Perhaps these snowflakes got their misguided ideas from some of our politicians. For example: In 2012, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) urged “there ought to be limits” on First Amendment rights. At a Senate Rules Committee hearing, Schumer, the senior senator from New York, issued the stunning statement that ”The First Amendment is sacred, but the First Amendment is not absolute.”
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) maintains that, “A culture of censorship has taken root and permeated universities, in part due to some students’ unfamiliarity or disinterest in their rights. A likely culprit is deficient civic education in secondary schools across the nation. In the absence of engaging civics instruction and classroom debate, some students fail to grasp the content or significance of their First Amendment freedoms, allowing those rights to fall victim to restrictions on campus…”
The recent NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) scores, measuring “at or above proficiency” in Civics are in the mid-twenties for all 4th, 8th, and 12th graders, and this documents this “deficient civic education in secondary schools,” both in private schools and even more so in public schools.
The impact on the nation’s future will be significant, and can possibly be traced back to our educational system. With winter approaching it appears that we will have blizzards for years to come, as the snowflakes are only going to become more invigorated as they continue to be less educated.

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