Smart ?

One of things I wondered after reading a recent news update … “does living at high altitude affect one’s thinking.” Consider the following out of Louisville, Colorado, which is a Denver suburb. Denver is located at about 5280 feet, “the mile high city,” and I have to assume that Louisville is at approximately the same elevation.

From The Daily Mail:

The blue-run city of Louisville, Colorado will ban all new gas stations as local lawmakers say they feel an ‘obligation’ to fight climate change

City councilors in the town of 21,000 approved a proposal on 3/21 to cap the number of gas stations for their constituents to just six. 

‘We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville,’ council member Maxine Most told Fox News

Speaking before the vote, councilwoman Most admitted that the move wouldn’t stop climate change, but said the small community should continue with the plan anyway. … Smart?

‘We should be taking whatever incremental steps to not create additional fossil fuel infrastructure,’ said the councilmember, who also serves on the city’s Economic Vitality Committee. 

Louisville’s green policies are intended to meet several of its climate change fighting goals, including meeting the entire city’s municipal electricity needs with carbon-free sources by 2025. … Smart?

This last sentence tells one all that he needs to know about the looney-tunes in the Louisville city council. But just in case there is any doubt, let’s think logically. If you work in Denver and commute back and forth to Louisville, you will probably stop somewhere on your commute rather than risking longer lines at the limited number of gas stations in Louisville.  In this situation the involved individual will continue to work in Denver, and the gas tax money will go to someplace other than Louisville. (Not too smart, Louisville City Council!)

Similarly if one chooses to fill up on the weekend, longer lines at fewer gas stations will lead to longer idling times and thus increased air pollution in Louisville itself! (Not too smart, Louisville City Council!)


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