Sleepy Joe, Sleepy Crowd

This afternoon while at the gym I saw multiple clips of Joe Biden speaking at a town -hall in Iowa. If you haven’t seen any of these clips, you should tune in to CNN, or MSNBC. I could not hear what “Sleepy Joe “ was saying, but the sparse crowd was clapping only sporadically, and some were not applauding at all. I could tell by looking at the crowd seated behind him, that they were not paid enough to be there . . . Joe and his staff could not have been too pleased!

Now while Joe prides himself as being the darling of the African-Americans, interestingly, there were no African-Americans that I could see in the sparse crowd behind the ex-vice president’s speaker’s dais. They were all Caucasian, and I saw only two youths (under twenty-five). To his credit, Joe was wearing an American flag pin just below the left lapel of his suit jacket. Something that is often missing from his liberal cohorts.

To sum it up, Joe’s Iowa “crowd” was white, bored, and old. Not exactly the type of support that is going to carry Sleepy Joe to victory. As I was watching this in Iowa, I could not help but compare the crowds at Trump rallies to those at this Iowa town-hall. Those at Trump rallies are uber enthusiastic, and they constantly stand and consistently applaud just about everything that the President says. There are  no cardboard cut-outs. When comparing both the crowd’s size and the enthusiasm of the crowd, I cannot imagine Sleepy Joe coming close to Donald Trump, much less winning in a head-to-head election! Perhaps the best thing would be to forget about Ukraine, and just let Sleepy Joe bore all of his supporters to death!

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