Should the Nincompoops Pay?

The answer to that question depends on which nincompoops you are referring to. If politicians decide to institute a policy that is obviously unconstitutional, should then these same politicians pay for the legal fees when their “enlightened” new policy ends up losing in court. For example when our esteemed California Governor, Gavin Newsom, unlawfully kept churches closed during Covid, while allowing big chain stores to remain open, he was obviously in the wrong. The courts ultimately found for the plaintiffs, and the state of California’s taxpayers have to pay over $2 million in the plaintiff’s legal fees. Come on, man, Gavin Newsom is loaded. Why doesn’t he pay the $2+ million?

On 6/29/21 “city leaders” in the city of San Jose did something equally obtuse. In an unprecedented move that is sure to be challenged in court by gun-rights advocates, city leaders in San Jose voted Tuesday to require gun owners in the city to pay taxpayers for the public costs incurred by criminal gun violence.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

“In a unanimous vote Tuesday night (6/29/21), the progressive San Jose City Council passed ordinances to “require every gun owner to buy liability insurance coverage for their firearms” and “pay a fee to compensate taxpayers for the emergency medical and police responses to gun-related injuries and deaths.”

Democratic Mayor Sam Liccardo praised the measures and reportedly argued that gun owners who refuse to comply with the new rules would have their weapons seized.

At least one gun-rights group, the Firearms Policy Coalition, is already planning legal action. The gun-rights group went on to refute each piece of the 10-point plan, explaining why each specific measure of the ordinances is unconstitutional.

Let me get this straight:

The nincompoops in San Jose, including the City Council and the Mayor, passed an obviously unconstitutional ordinance. This ordinance will go to court, and the plaintiffs (the Firearms Policy Coalition) will win. In all likelihood San Jose will be required to pay court costs. In a situation as obvious as this, should the nincompoops pay? But who are the real nincompoops here? Is “nincompoopedness” limited to just these elected officials? What about those in San Jose who voted to elect both the City Council and the Mayor? Are they also nincompoops?  I say, ‘yes!’ However, in the future, those in San Jose who vote to re-elect these same uber liberal nincompoop politicians, who think that it is okay to waste the taxpayers money – these future voters will be the real NINCOMPOOPS!


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