Sh**, Who Cares

“. . . Democrats are itching for a fight with him”, says Greg Valliere, chief global strategist at Horizon Investments, as quoted in Wall Street Journal article on 1/16/2018. Now I don’t know who Greg Valliere is, but ‘him’ refers to Donald Trump, and the article has to do with the possible upcoming government shutdown. Mr. Valliere could also have expanded his statement and said, “they are itching for a fight with him over just about anything, and have been so now for the past year!”
While the main stream media (MSM) have been overwhelmingly anti-Trump (as was documented in a recent Pew Report), the WSJ had been reasonably fair to President Trump – that is until recently.
For instance, this article starts off, “A firestorm ignited by President Donald Trump’s remarks last week has diminished the prospects for a deal on immigration and spending levels ahead of a possible government shutdown at week’s end, congressional aides said.”

There are at least two things wrong with this opening sentence.
First of all, Mr. Trump was acting very presidential when he held a bipartisan meeting with congressional leaders last week. The ‘firestorm’ was actually ignited by Senator Dick (Deke) Durbin of Illinois when he came out and focused on the apparent use of the word, ‘sh**hole’, that Mr. Trump supposedly used when he was referring to certain countries. This is a classic example of Democratic diversion. Not infrequently, Democrats will try to shift the focus away from the message and onto the speaker, or his words, or his tie or her shoes or something else inane. Who cares? They purposely misdirect the focus, so that they do not have to actually address the issues. The meeting itself and the effort by the President to achieve some sort of compromise on the immigration issue should have been the sole focus – not which word he used. Who gives a sh** what word he did or did not use . . . other that Democratic Senator Dicky Durbin and the liberal press?
Whether these were really the words of our president is of no consequence to me.
Whether Mr. Durbin has lied in the past about who said what at confidential meetings, as reported by Politico in 2013, is likewise of little importance.
Shouldn’t the focus be on the overall message and not on one certain word?

The truth of the matter was that there was the potential for a deal between the President Trump and the Democrats on the issues of immigration and the possible government sh**down . . . that is until Deke with the help of the media successfully diverted the attention away from compromise to a “he said, she said” controversy on ‘sh**hole’. Who cares!

Second – “congressional aides said”:
Really? This almost sounds like a “fake news” lead-in that one would read in the MSM.
Who are these congressional aides? Are they aides to Democratic or Republican congressmen or to both? Are we talking about two aides or are we talking about multiple, multiple aides? And actually who cares what these anonymous ‘congressional aides’ think?
It seems to me that the writers of this article are implying that if the government shuts down, it is solely because of Mr. Trump, and that, my friends, “is a crock of sh**!”
Sh*** on you, WSJ!

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