School Stress

The controversy now days with schools involves go-back in person or go back online. Some school districts are taking the “we are afraid to make a decision, so let’s do a hybrid plan” position. To me it seems that these hybrid plans are like dancing with your sister at the high school prom . . . those that know you and your sister (the real scoop) are laughing, while those who know basically nothing are saying, “how did that loser get that hot chick to dance with him.”

On 8/13/20 NBC had a one hour special on the return to school controversy. However, when the first line was about how many children under nineteen have died in the U.S from Covid, I basically knew what the dart score was going to be at the end of the game. I turned off the NBC channel, because all of the whoopla these days is about “how many children and teachers will die when schools are reopened” . . . not ‘if any’ but rather ‘how many?”

Sure my guess would be that when schools ultimately open up to in-person teaching, some kids and some teachers will get sick, and some may even die. These numbers will be very low, but will undoubtedly will front page news in the liberal “I told you so” papers.

What I have not seen addressed  by MSM is the harm that is being done to children by keeping them isolated and at home. This issue was addressed in the Wall Street Journal on 8/12 in an article by Allysia Finley, who BTW is now my favorite columnist. She pointed out some interesting stats:

In April a Harris poll found that the stress levels in parents with children less than eighteen were impressively higher than in adults with no children. The reason, trying to manage online learning.

A University of Wisconsin study found that the incidence of mild to severe depression increased from 31% to 68% in high-schoolers with the recent school closers and sports being shutdown. Likewise in China’s Hubei province shutdowns, approximately 25% of the children reported depressive symptoms.

(In another thing that I recently read 41% of college students reported symptoms of depression from March through May of this year.)

These continued lockdowns are causing increased stress in both the children and the parents which in studies can eventually lead to higher rates of asthma, strokes, auto-immune disease, and depression. 

Continuing to keep kids at home prevents kids from acting like kids, and is bad for them not only in the short term, but also in the long term. Future articles andstudies will look at the disastrous consequences of these 2020 “don’t let the kids go back to school” policies, but by then it will be too late!

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