Schaefer III

This is an excerpt from chapters in a new book by Steven Schaefer.

Part 4

Failed Computer Modeling

The case for human-caused warming is primarily based on computer modeling. The predictions from the modeling have been consistently and spectacularly wrong. The scientific method states that if predictions are wrong, then the hypothesis is flawed. Results from computer models are not evidence!

“This fascination with computer models is something I understand very well. Richard Feynman called it a disease. I fear he is right.” Michael Crichton, 2003

One repeatedly hears, “The Hottest Year Ever!” The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) includes land-based measurements, as well as accurate satellite measurements in their reporting. Land-based results are problematic, due to poor siting issues (near urban heat islands, airports, etc.). They read high. Additionally, the declared small yearly increase is often within the margin of error.

Man-Made Climate Change Theory will eventually end up on the “Trash Heap of History,” joining other doomsday predictions.

• Malthusian Theory of Population Growth

• Paul Ehrlich’s book, The Population Bomb

• Acid Rain

• Peak Oil

• Lysenkoism, which rejected Mendelian genetics and led to starvation in the Soviet Union

• Anti-GMOFoods

• Round-Up: Junk Science and Jackpot Justice

• Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and its “precautionary principle” leading to the banning of DDT, which led to the malarial deaths of tens of millions world-wide. “People are the cause of the problems; we have too many of them; we need to get rid of some of them and (banning DDT) is as good a way as any.”

Charles Wurster, Scientist Environmental Defense Fund

Part 5

The Green New Deal

Early advocates for the Green New Deal admitted it was not about “saving the planet”, but rather an effort to bring about the world’s greatest transfer of wealth, replacing capitalism with socialism.

The Paris Climate Agreement is another transfer of wealth scheme. There are no enforcement mechanisms and the non-participation of China, Russia and India make a mockery of the whole enterprise.

Renewable energy will never replace fossil fuels, which presently supply 80% of the world’s energy.

Magical thinking and utopian pipe dreams lie behind “tipping points”, “Net Zero”, carbon capture, green hydrogen and atmospheric geoengineering. For the past forty years, dramatic apocalyptic warnings headline the world’s news sources: “We only have ten more years to save the planet!” It’s becoming a bit tiresome.

The mad dash towards electrification is producing lots of losers in the West, but only one clear winner, China. China poses as a climate warrior, while opening two coal mines per week. They also supply the West with rare earth minerals and the processing of them, as well as supplying the West with wind turbines, batteries and solar panels. Mining of the raw materials are producing human rights violations in developing countries (think child labor in cobalt mining in the Congo), as well as massive environmental destruction, all performed with machines fueled by fossil fuels.


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