Say It Isn’t So !

Today I read an extremely interesting and disturbing piece on POWERLINE entitled “Who Killed George Floyd.” 

 “At 7:30 p.m. on May 31, 2020, prosecutors “met” online with Dr. Andrew Baker, Chief Medical Examiner of Hennepin County, to discuss Floyd’s toxicology report.

To their undoubted dismay, Dr. Baker, the chief medical examiner, had to concede that at 11 ng/mL, Floyd had “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” He also conceded that the fentanyl overdose “can cause pulmonary edema,” a frothy fluid build-up in the lungs that was evidenced by the finding at autopsy that Floyd’s lungs weighed two to three times normal weight.

This is consistent with Officer Kueng’s observation at the scene that Floyd was foaming at the mouth and, as found at autopsy, that his lungs were “diffusely congested and edematous.”

In other words, like a drowned man, Floyd’s lungs were filled with fluid. And that was the obvious and inescapable reason why Floyd kept shouting over and over again that he couldn’t breathe even when he was upright and mobile.

The memorandum ends with Dr. Baker’s devastating conclusion that “if Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he [Dr. Baker] would conclude that it was an overdose death.”

Since I cannot vouch for the veracity of what’s in this article, I can just report what it says. My response to this POWERLINE  article is: “Say it isn’t so.”

I am not a conspiracy theorist, however why was this memo not released by the prosecution until 8/25/20? (The reported online meeting with D. Baker was on  5/31/20!)

Furthermore, now with this delayed release by the prosecution almost three months later, I doubt that there is anyplace where Derek Chauvin and the other officers could ever expect to receive a fair trial, and this could happen right here in the U.S. . . . “Say it isn’t so.”

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