Root Him On

I just read something by Wayne Allen Root, who is a big Trump guy. This essay is titled: “The Trump Comeback Begins: . . . “

An hour or so before I had read something from the NYT, which never misses an opportunity to belittle Mr. Trump. The NYT strongly implied that the Republicans would be okay . . . if they could only figure out a way to get rid of Trump. Boring! The NYT and the Democrats will quickly learn that this second impeachment fiasco will only fire up a lot of those 74 million who voted for him in November, 2020.

Contrary to the NYT, Mr. Root basically says, “NBAT” . . . “Never Bet Against Trump.”

He further states, “Trump must become the kingmaker of the GOP. The Trump Army is 74 million strong. The Republican Party belongs to Trump. He should remake the party in his image.”

Here he is talking about a concerted effort to get rid of the RINOs, but Mr. Root has another far out idea that could cause the Dems to jump off the balcony and cause Nancy Pelosi to go bonkers.


Have Mr. Trump run for the House in 2022. He could basically choose a Florida district that now has a RINO rep., win the primary, and easily defeat the Dem opposition in Nov. 2022. 

But it gets better.

If the House could be flipped in 2022, then Mr. Trump could feasibly be elected Speaker of the House, and torment Nancy Pelosi daily. In addition, in this position, he would be the second in line if something were to happen to both Biden and V.P. Harris.

Now granted all of this is unlikely to happen, but imagine the look on both Pelosi’s and Biden’s face. Priceless!

Plus in addition, as a member of Congress, he would have a lot of  influence in trying to insure that fraud would not be an intrinsic part of the Democrat playbook again in the 2024 Presidential election.

As Julie Andrew’s sang in My Fair Lady, “Wouldn’t it be loverly?”

I’d love it.

Perhaps we should all “root him on !”

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