
No I am not referring to Rocky Balboa, made famous in the movie of the same name, but Rocky Jones who was mentioned in President Trump’s State of the Union on 2/4/20.

How many knew who Rocky Jones was before this week? Probably only a few who happen to read the Fresno Bee, or those who live in Tulare County in mid-California. Much of what follows was taken from the Fresno Bee, as those who read the local San Diego paper as their source of news would know nothing about the tragic death of Rocky Paul Jones. 

It was during his State of the Union that President Trump mentioned Rocky Jones, and introduced his brother, Jody Jones. President Trump said, “In December 2018, California police detained an illegal with five prior arrests, including convictions for robbery and assault, but as required by California sanctuary law, local authorities released him.”

Within less than forty-eight hours after he was released, law enforcement said this illegal criminal, Junior “Gustavo” Garcia-Ruiz committed at least 11 different crimes during a 24-hour “reign of terror.” ICE at the time said those crimes could have been prevented if the agency had been notified of Garcia-Ruiz’s release from jail. The sheriff during a news conference in 2018 said the sanctuary state law prohibited him from communicating with ICE about the case.

“Tragically, there are many cities in America where radical politicians have chosen to provide sanctuary for these criminal, illegal aliens,” Trump said in the speech. “…The state of California passed an outrageous law declaring their whole state to be a sanctuary for criminal, illegal immigrants, a very terrible sanctuary with catastrophic results.”

Rocky Jones was minding his own business at a gas station when he was shot multiple times for no apparent reason at close range by Garcia-Ruiz, who had been deported twice before. In a span of nearly 24-hours Gustavo Garcia carried out two killings, a carjacking, and an armed robbery, and even got into a shootout with deputies.

The White House said Rocky Jones was known as “a kind and gentle soul” who left behind a daughter and four brothers “who are still grieving the loss of their loved one.” Today I heard his brother, Jody Jones, again refer to the gentleness of his deceased brother, Rocky. This is a true tragedy . . . like other similar preventable tragedies that law-abiding citizens of California are continuing to have difficulty understanding.

During his speech, President Trump said he supports current legislation that would allow victims of crimes, committed by undocumented immigrants, to sue so-called sanctuary cities and states. 

“Senator Thom Tillis has introduced legislation to allow Americans, like Jody, to sue sanctuary cities and states when a loved one is hurt or killed as a result of these deadly practices,” Trump said. “I ask Congress to pass theJustice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act immediately.” 

One can only hope!

However, as long as the Democrats, and Nancy Pelosi control the House, don’t hold your breath!

Rocky Jones’ brother, Jody Jones, says lawmakers who support sanctuary cities share in some of the blame for his brother’s killing. I fully agree in spades!

As I have alluded to before, I personally hold the Democrat politicians in Sacramento responsible for the deaths of all who are murdered in California by illegals who should have been turned over to ICE. I find it amazing that any of these State Legislators can face the families of those that have been murdered by someone who should have been in ICE custody. Actually, true to form, they don’t! These cowardly Democratic legislators never do face the grieving families, and never apologize for their unexplainable positions. They hide behind an archaic law that deems that prejudiced politicians are not legally responsible when some innocent legal Californian is murdered by an illegal criminal . . . a murder for which they are morally responsible, and for which they will be held accountable . . . if there is a God!

Rocky Jones: Rest In Peace!

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