“Reverse Equity”

First of we need to understand and comprehend the meaning of the word, “equity.”

From Dictionary.com:

Equity – the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality

In other words everything or everybody is treated the same. For instance, in sports, the offsides call in soccer is the same for either team. The sideline ref is colorblind – he is impartial. The offsides calls are equitable. It doesn’t matter if the jersey color is blue or red … offsides is offsides.

Being more lenient with the offsides rules because team B is slower would not be equitable … “but team B is shorter and thus slower.” Sorry Charlie, that would be inequity, or reverse equity.

Similarly, in baseball, the strike zone is the same for both sides. Making the strike zone selectively bigger or smaller because team A is losing is not equitable … in other words it is not fair and impartial.

Back in the Spring the Biden administration was poised to hand out billions of dollars to what it labelled “socially disadvantaged” farmers, restaurateurs and other business owners hurt by the pandemic. The money would have started flowing to them in early June … provided they didn’t have white skin. Whites were to be out of luck.

Biden’s American Rescue Plan defined “socially disadvantaged” based on skin color and ancestry, not the hardships faced by an individual. Blacks, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Asians, Hispanics and Pacific Islanders were included. One group was excluded: whites

One of the Midwestern farmers sued. Adam Faust, was born with spina bifida and has two prosthetic legs. He manages to milk 70 cows a day and grows 200 acres worth of feed crops. He’s in debt, but he didn’t qualify for debt forgiveness under the American Rescue Plan because of his white skin. Equity or reverse equity?

Similarly the Restaurant Revitalization Fund set up under the American Rescue Plan offered restaurateurs up to $5 million to cover losses per location. The law said that for the first 21 days that the funds were to be disbursed, most white men have to go to the back of the line, behind women, veterans and “socially and economically disadvantaged” applicants. 

Philip Greer’s cafe lost $100,000 during the shutdown. Greer was white and sued. On May 18, federal Judge Reed O’Connor ordered the Small Business Administration to halt its discriminatory practices of ‘reverse equity.’ In addition Judge O’Connor determined that Greer is likely to succeed at trial.

Citing Supreme Court precedent, O’Connor cautioned against giving “government license to create a patchwork of racial preferences based on statistical generalizations.” 

Moreover,on 7/1, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas granted class certification and a preliminary injunction against the United States Department of Agriculture “from providing loan forgiveness to farmers and ranchers on the basis of race or ethnicity,” per an order from Judge Reed O’Connor, who is rapidly becoming one of my heroes. Reverse equity is a ‘no-no!’ Imagine that!

It appears that Judge O’Connor has gone to law school, and also has read the Constitution, as contrasted with the some of the Biden lawyers, who apparently don’t read that well.


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