Requiem For a Heavyweight

It reminded me of the heavyweight boxer who had once been a champ, and who was forced by his managers to get into the ring one last time. The ex-champion was not the fighter he had once been. He was slow and at times appeared befuddled in the arena of competition. This last fight was a disaster for the ex-king of the hill. Yes, he did manage to stay in the ring for the entire fight, but for anyone who was watching, it was clear that Robert Mueller was not what he once was. After only a few rounds no one would have been surprised if a neutral referee had stopped the fight, and mercifully made Mr. Mueller stay in his corner . . . “TKO!”

None of the news media was allowed to speak to the ex-champ after this debacle. This was undoubtedly a good thing, as Mr. Mueller looked dazed and somewhat confused  even during the early rounds. He was apparently having trouble remembering certain things that should have been on the tip of his tongue. As I watched his performance, I had pity on the poor man. Not only did he look old, but at times he almost looked as if there was some signs of early dementia. 

Who was responsible for this travesty? Who thought that it was a good idea to bring this once bright star back into the limelight? Did anyone actually think that he would be able to fend off his young astute opponent(s)? He had no counter-punch, and certainly no offensive zip. He was a “dead man walking” almost from the git-go. Who was responsible?

His “managers,” Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, were responsible. They were the chairs of the two committees that “dragged this poor man through this needless hell?” Because of their selfish actions, Robert Mueller’s legacy will be that of a washed-up, somewhat pitiful, out of touch old man. Why did Rep. Schiff (D, CA) and Rep. Nadler (D, NY) find it necessary to subject Mr. Mueller to this needless humiliation? Do they owe him an apology? Damn right they do! Thus far I haven’t read or heard any suggestion by anyone that an apology is warranted. For me and for presumably for many Americans an apology would be the right thing to do. Will they ever own up and apologize to him? NeverNot a chance!

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