Religion Wins !

During the insanity of Covid and the insanity of the government’s selective restrictions, I wrote many times on the Canadian persecution of Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski. 

From BlazeMedia:

“Pastor Pawlowski made headlines last April when he released a video of authorities demanding entry into his church. The cellphone video of the altercation with the Calgary police escorting a public health official went viral on Twitter.

Following this first confrontation, authorities repeatedly attempted to gain access to Pawlowski’s church during the COVID restriction period. The pastor was arrested several times for refusing to comply with the shutdown orders. Despite the intimidation attempts, Pawlowski kept his church open to the public and encouraged attendance.”

On many occasions Pawlowski referred to the police as “Nazis.”

I watched many videos of the “Nazis” throwing their weight around … coming into his church during church services, and in a separate video making the pastor kneel on a highway while re-arresting him.

But last week Pastor Pawlowski won out in a Canadian courtroom. 

He had a tremendous legal victory last week after being previously found guilty of contempt for holding church services during COVID shutdowns and refusing an Alberta Health Services (AHS) employee access to his church. The Alberta Court of Appeal decided to set aside the finding of contempt and the sanction order imposed on Pawlowski and his brother, Dawid. The $15,733.50 fine to AHS was dropped and ordered to be reimbursed.

“We’re not criminals. Those that did that to us are the criminals. And I hope one day, we will be able to go after the real villains and charge them for the crimes that they have committed,” stated Pastor Pawlowski.

I cheered for Pawlowski back then, and am ecstatic that the bully Nazis in Alberta have been shown that their place is at the end of the line.

Meanwhile in the U.S.A. from The Epoch Times:

Air Force officials were ordered on July 27 not to discipline airmen who are seeking religious exemptions to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

U.S. District Judge Matthew McFarland, a Trump appointee, entered a preliminary injunction against the military branch.

McFarland two weeks earlier issued a temporary restraining order. He asked the military to make its case as to why he shouldn’t enter a preliminary injunction, a longer-lasting measure.

Despite a 16 page filing by government lawyers, Judge McFarland wasn’t convinced. “Defendants fail to raise any persuasive arguments,” he said.

The Air Force has approximately 497,000 members. Of those, 97.1 percent have received a primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine as of July 11.

About 1,440 exemptions to the mandate have been granted, including 104 religious exemptions. Another 2,847 are pending, and 6,803 have been rejected.

The small number of religious exemptions granted is “farcical,” McFarland said earlier this year. He said that the Air Force “‘has effectively stacked the deck’ against service members seeking religious exemptions.”

Under the new order, the Air Force can’t take disciplinary action against, or attempt to kick out, members who have requested a religious exemption on or after Sept. 1, 2021, and were deemed by a chaplain as having a “sincerely held religious belief.” Most military members who apply do and were either denied or haven’t had action on their request.

So it seems that on both sides of the Canadian border, religion and religious beliefs do matter. Thank God!



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