Rashard Turner

This is just another in my series of individuals that you have probably never heard of, but now you will be familiar with. Rashard Turner was the founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minnesota. Whoa !! The founder of a BLM chapter? Get real! Why should anyone care about the founder of a BLM chapter? 

He later quit the group, and told Fox News in an interview that the organization was “racist” against black children because they opposed school choice.

Wow! That’s a 180 degree reversal. And he says more … a lot more.

The following is from his Fox News interview:

JILIAN MELE, FOX NEWS HOST: So the organization raised $90 million in 2020. And I’m curious where that money is going. And if that money is going to help black families to help black children?

RASHARD TURNER, FORMER BLM ACTIVIST: Well, I’ll tell you this, we here in Minnesota, we’ve got worst in nation education gaps. And you know, based on the data, where we have tons of schools where four out of five kids cannot read, I would say that money’s not coming to Minnesota, alright? If we had $90 million, heck children will be up here reading, our schools would be better. But let me add something here. When you think about that $90 million, where it comes from, BLM has been co-opted. They’ve been co-opted by teachers unions, specifically at the national level, the American Federation of Teachers, and here locally in Minnesota, Education Minnesota. These teachers unions own the Democrats, they own BLM, and teachers unions, in my opinion, they kill our children’s hopes and dreams. So, if we’re thinking about black children doing what’s best for black families, we have to start with education. Yeah, there’s not a disparity in this country that doesn’t begin with folks not being able to read. So black lives really matter. We must start in that classroom.

TODD PIRO, FOX NEWS HOST: I mean, that’s the crux of this right? For decades, blacks have been prevented from getting the same quality education as whites. It’s a fact, it’s reality. Why does the education system though, seem to be allowed to suppress blacks like it does?

TURNER: Well, it’s the teachers unions. I can’t say it enough. Here in Minnesota, Education Minnesota is 94% white, yet they walk around acting like they’re so woke, that they understand what’s best for black children, right? But they own our education system. They spend about $30-$50 million a year here in Minnesota to control what our politicians are doing. I don’t know if folks have been paying attention to what our, you know, I don’t even know what to call him these days, but Governor Tim Walz here in Minnesota hasn’t done one thing. And that’s because teachers unions control him. We have to start listening to parents. I mean, there’s no way on earth, after these two past school years, that folks can think that things like education savings accounts, aren’t going to be good for families. I’ll tell you, there’s not one black family in my neighborhood here in St. Paul, that has said, ‘Hey, we don’t want that money to follow our child.’ Anyone who’s in opposition to school choice, charter schools, you’re right, I’d say they’re a racist. Because we know that charter schools are creating opportunities, we know that that money that is supposed to be educating our children. That’s not happening here in Minnesota, we spend the most money, you know, top states in this country, on what we spend on education. However, our outcomes don’t show that we’re spending millions upon millions of dollars, trying to educate children.

Hmmm! BLM in bed with the Democrats and the Teacher’s Union? Who would have thunk it?

I like this guy, Rashard Turner. 

Funny thing is  – I haven’t read a thing about Mr. Rashard Turner or his present day opinions in my local liberal newspaper. 



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