Racism Abuse

With all the attention now being paid to the sexual abuse that appears to be pervasive in some Washington politicians, in Hollywood moguls and actors, and in the entertainment industry in general, the news is depressing.  I thought that it would be a welcome break to talk about a more mundane topic . . . Racism!
Nowadays this is a term that is thrown about loosely as if it should apply to just about everything. This term seems to be pervasive especially with liberal commentators, especially on CNN and MSNBC, and with some Democrats who seem to be functioning as the talking heads for the rest of the Democratic sheep in Congress.
What exactly is ‘racism’?
Racism is the belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
In today’s world in usually means or implies hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Note that in today’s vernacular racism should not refer to one individual person’s feelings or actions toward another individual person and the actions of that individual person. For instance, when Senator Diane Feinstein says some nasty things about  a Catholic female judge’s integrity when the judge is before her Senate committee, does this mean that Senator Feinstein hates all Catholics and should be viewed as a anti-Catholic racist? Does this situation fit any of our definitions of ‘racism’ noted above?
 I think not.
The most laughable recent supposed example of ‘racism’ involved President Trump referring to Elizabeth Warren as ‘Pocahontas’! This statement came while he was lavishing praise on Native Americans in a ceremony at the White House. Was Mr. Trump implying  hatred or intolerance to another race? Obviously not! His comment occurred while he was actually praising the group (Native Americans) that the liberal talking heads said that he was acting like a racist toward!!
To me the most blatant examples of racism that have  been in the news lately were comments made in reference to the John Conyers situation. Rep.Conyers is the longest-serving active member of Congress and a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus. He has been accused of sexual misconduct.
Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), another member of the Black Caucus, argued that these accusations of sexual misconduct (leveled against John Conyers) may not be credible because all of the accusations come from white women. Does this comment fit the definition of ‘racism’? Yes, yes, yes! . . . in spades. ( Just to be clear, ‘spades’ here referring to the card suit.)
And here I thought that it was going to be difficult to get away from the topic of sexual abuse in today’s commentary!

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