Yes, this is an Aretha Franklin song from the 1970s that I think has particular relevance today. To my way of thinking I think that this word is not in the vernacular of a lot of the youth of today. One might ask why? 

Could it be that this is the fault of the schools? Absolutely! In a lot of the public schools of today, ‘Respect’ is neither taught or learned, as teachers have little motivation to demand respect (actually, they cannot demand respect from the students in today’s world), and students have little incentive to show respect.for most teachers . . . Why should they?

Could it be that this is the fault of the parents? Again absolutely. For the most part, the parents of today do not demand respect from their kids. Why is that? To me the answer is multifactorial . . . too busy, demanding respect is not P.C., single parents are often afraid to demand respect as if they do, they risk losing any control over the child. 

However for whatever reason this lack of respect has filtered down into our society.

Them: “The hell with what you think. You must think my way. I have no respect whatsoever for your thoughts on the matter. It’s my way or the highway . . . actually that’s not true . . . there is no highway. It’s my way!”

For instance, one might think that a statue of Columbus is a reminder of an historical part of our culture. 

Them: “Too bad for you and those that think like you. You are old-fashioned, old man! I don’t like that statue of Columbus, and so it is coming down. I do not respect your opinion on this matter . . . F-you!” 

To that one might respond, “Perhaps we should talk this over, and allow the majority decide what to do, if anything,with that statue.”

Them: “No!”

I could go on with other examples . . . For instance, Confederate names on Army bases. Rather than allowing the woke crowd of the young disrespecters  to unilaterally decide, perhaps we as a country should discuss this issue.

Them: “No, we are right, and again there is no highway!”

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