Protected … Unprotected

As one retired California nurse asked of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?”

Wow! That’s quite a mouthful! Initially it sounds like a modern version of “If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?” … but when read carefully it is actually pretty profound. Substitute “the vaccinated” for “the protected,” and substitute “the unvaccinated” for “the unprotected,” and read it again-  slowly. In essence ‘those who know best’ seem to be playing a game similar to pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey … blindfolded! I am finding it difficult  to follow the logic of what is going on these days with the somewhat arbitrary recommendations concerning vaccinations and the accompanying mandates. At this point it would seem that conventional wisdom as well as common sense should be saying … “Stop!”

The other thing that is not talked about any more is Sweden. To my way of thinking, if something is not being talked about with Covid, it oftentimes means that what is happening is going against the wisdom of “those that know best.” For those not aware, early on in the pandemic Sweden defied what was passing as conventional wisdom back then. Sweden had very loose restrictions with no lockdowns and no masks. For upwards to a year Sweden was mocked by “those that know best,” because it was having more cases … but now no one is alluding to or mentioning Sweden. Why??

Right now Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and even Singapore have approximately the same portion of their population vaccinated. However when you compare the number of new cases of Covid per million people, Sweden’s curve is flat and the number of new cases is considerably below that of the other countries just mentioned.

More specifically when comparing two countries that have similar vaccination curves (Sweden and Ireland – with Ireland jabbing an even greater percentage of its population), the results are amazing.

Daily confirmed new Covid cases per million are dramatically higher in Ireland (~800) compared to Sweden (~100). Obviously the only reasonable explanation for this dichotomy is the significantly increased number of Swedes who have natural immunity as a consequence of Sweden’s policies early on.

So here it appears that the country which did not protect its citizens early on (“Sweden’s unprotected”), now, has a dramatically decreased number of new cases, because a lot of the population is now “protected” because of natural immunity.


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