PEW …Putrid!

From Townhall:

“It’s not just President Biden approval rating that’s been tanking in recent weeks. A new Pew survey found the commander in chief losing support on a number of issues, including his personal traits. 

Like many other polls, Biden’s approval rating fell in the survey conducted Sept. 13-19 among 10,371 adults, with less than half of Americans (44 percent) believing he’s doing a good job and 53 percent disapproving. That number has fallen among Democrats and other groups.”

Perhaps a “good” sign for J.B – there is no racial animus in his poll numbers. They are putrid with all races.

From Twitter:

“New Pew Poll: Biden lost 18 points in his job approval rating among Blacks in last two months, 16 points among Hispanics, 14 points among Asians. Only 8 points among Whites.”

His approval rating on how he is handling things even fell among Democrats (92-> 83) and those that “lean Democrat” (82-> 61).Just as bad if not worse, is that he is also tanking among Independents (54->42).

I am actually somewhat blown away by these numbers … 61% of those that lean Democrat and 42% of Independents think that J.B. is doing a good job! In what universe are they living? Everything that J.B touches turns to sh**! (economic policy, foreign affairs, immigration, and wise use of military force.)

What about unifying the country? … Again putrid.(PEW):

66% of Americans are “not at all confident” or “not too confident” that Joe Biden will “bring the country closer together.”

Again I find it hard to believe that anyone, much less 33%, can actually think that J.B. can bring the country closer together. Just about every day he pisses off more groups, and he does it with retaliatory and spiteful language. Last week it was the military … no vaccine, no honorable discharge. And now the latest is the Border Patrol. 


“To see people treated like they did? Horses running them over? People being strapped? It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.” Unfortunately for J.B. the accusations of the Border Patrol whipping Haitians were false. (The photojournalist who took the photos of Border Patrol agents earlier this week, which cynical political operatives and media have used to smear them, has debunked the narrative illegal immigrants were whipped.)

OMG: “J.B -the unifier!” 

Perhaps better said, “J.B. – the putrifier!”


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