Perhaps, But I Doubt It

Last week Jeff Sessions announced that the Federal Government in conjunction with the DOJ is suing the State of California, its Governor Jerry Brown, and its Attorney General Xavier Becerra for their defiance of federal immigration law. This suit has to do with California being a sanctuary state and the Supremacy Clause, which says that a state law cannot preempt federal law. There does not seem to be a real question among legal scholars as this doctrine of preemption dates back to 1819, and was recently reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in 2012 in a case involving an Arizona anti-immigration bill, SB 1070. Interestingly with this case, the liberals argued that the Supremacy Clause took precedence and won the case. Now the shoe is on the other foot so to speak, and California is saying that what was good for the left foot in 2012 doesn’t apply to the right foot in 2018. Actually, there is not much doubt as to how this legal skirmish is going to play out. Perhaps the Ninth Circuit will hold a fair hearing, but we all know that it will rule against the Federal Government and in favor of California, only to be reversed the Supreme Court which will actually go with The Law. This will obviously take time as there will undoubtedly be many court dates, delays, and appeals before the Supreme Court decides what perhaps should be obvious to any first year law student in the first place. Although this case should be a slam dunk for the Feds, we will see Jerry Brown and Xavier Becerra fighting it to the bitter end, because California has over two million illegals living within its borders.
Okay, I get all of that. I don’t agree with it, but I get it . . . which Democrat would ever do anything to go against two million voters?
My question is, “Who is to pay the legal bills for the State of California, Jerry Brown,
and Xavier Becerra?” Perhaps Governor Brown and Mr. Becerra will be paying their own legal bills. I doubt it! Perhaps Kevin de Léon (D, LA) who authored the Sanctuary State bill will pay the legal expenses since it was his idea that got us into this mess to begin with. I doubt it! Perhaps the Democrats in the state legislature (No Republicans voted in favor of this legislation)who voted in favor of California being a Sanctuary State will all chip in to fund these legal expenses! That would certainly be the fair thing to do as they are the benefactors of the two million “legal” illegal votes, but I doubt it! Putting all of this frivolity aside, as the Democrats pass laws that feel good but never consider the real life outcomes, it will be the taxpayers of California who will pay for all of this grandstanding by the “B-Boys”, Brown and Becerra. When all is said and done, the losers (the State of California) may also be responsible for the legal bills of the Federal Government. If that happens, perhaps the B-Boys’ voters (notice I did not say ‘taxpayers’) will choose to pay in pesos, but I doubt it!

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