Perhaps a New Paul Simon Song?

Back in the 1970’s Paul Simon had a popular song, “Slip, Slidin’ Away.” The depressing lyrics of this song talk about how things could have been different if only different decisions had been made.

“Slip slidin’ away

Slip slidin’ away

You know the nearer your destination

The more you’re slip slidin’ away”

I was reminded of this old song because these days the news is very depressing. Just about everything seems to be circling the drain, including the economy, inflation, foreign policy, increasing wokeness, and most of all … our military.

From the Epoch Times:

“In recent months, reports have indicated that every branch of the U.S. military is struggling to find new recruits, triggering warnings from some members of Congress.

Some have flagged the Pentagon’s strict vaccine requirement while others have said it is because of the slow creep of “woke” diversity trainings and mandates into the military. And others say that high U.S. obesity rates may be a contributing factor, and others note that the pay is not adequate.

“We are on the cusp of a military recruiting crisis,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) told Politico in July.”

Why bring this up now? Yes, of course, the policies of President Biden are responsible for many, if not all of these depressing things, and we have over two more years of his ineptness still to come. However I read something today that perhaps represents some optimism with respect to our military.

The U.S. Marine Corps issued guidance to roll back its strict punishments for service members who are seeking COVID-19 vaccine exemptions.

In guidance posted online on Sept. 14, the “Marine Corps will not enforce any order to accept COVID-19 vaccination, administratively separate, or retaliate against Marines in the class for asserting statutory rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”

I recently reviewed the woeful stats regarding all branches of our military and the granting of religious exemptions. What a charade!  For the Marines only 0.004% of requests for religious exemptions to vaccine mandates we’re granted. The vaccine mandates were nonsensical before and now these mandates are especially ludicrous given that at this point the vaccines do not prevent one from catching Covid.

Finally the Marine Corps has come to its senses, and hopefully the other branches of service will be soon to follow, and this will open the gates for better things to come, and perhaps a new Paul Simon song.


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