Pendulum ?

Is what we are seeing in the U.S. the front end of a pendulum swing? In the past when the pendulum has swung left, what followed was an opposite reaction, and the opposite reaction was more intense than the initial pendulum swing. For instance, Jimmy Carter’s pendulum swing gave us Ronald Reagan. Clinton’s presidency gave us George Bush. Obama gave us Trump, and now Biden will give us … Who?

I bring this up now, because I question whether or not this same pendulum principle applies to social issues. 

The recent election of Virginia’s new Governor was certainly a response to some school boards’ treatment of concerned parents, and the former Democratic Governor basically taking the side of the school boards and against the parents. (What a dummy-head! Going against parents is not a wise thing to do.)

In Florida, Disney has strongly come out against protecting innocent young children from sexual indoctrination and innuendo. In this situation, parents are strongly for the new Florida law. I hope there is a big reactive pendulum swing against Disney, and Disney pays a big price for its extreme leftward stupidity. (Only a dummy-head corporation would go against the wishes of parents.)

The NCAA is apparently for “men” competing in, and subsequently winning women’s swimming competitions. What part of being a dummy-head here, does the NCAA not understand?

And finally, some school teachers as well as some “school clubs” they are affiliated with, are not only encouraging children to transition to a different sex, but are telling the children not to tell their parents. Here I hope that the reactive pendulum swing goes into overdrive. Referring to these despicable teachers as “dummy-heads,” is actually doing a disservice to every day “dummy-heads.” Not only should these teachers be immediately fired, but they should be forever forbidden from ever teaching again. I sincerely hope that a ferocious pendulum swing hits them right between their legs.

Perhaps it was put best by Cuban American school choice advocate Hamlet Garcia: “The Democrats have made the biggest mistake of their lives by messing with our children, indoctrinating our schools, They have turned their most loyal voters into their worst enemies.”

Nowadays it is becoming much easier to identify “dummy-heads,” as even though their symbol is a donkey, in reality they are a horse’s ass.


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