Patrick Kilonzo Mwaula

As per my custom on Sunday, I write about someone who is worthy of our praise and appreciation. Often these are unsung heroes that we do not know about, and today’s honoree is such a man, in spades.

If you thought that his name, Patrick Kilonzo Mwaula (PKM) is a bit out of the ordinary, you would be correct, as Patrick lives in a place that is out of the ordinary … in Kenya, near Tsavo West National Park. Tsavo West National Park is located in the south central part of Kenya, near the Tanzania border.and the area has been in the throes of severe drought. Because of no rain since June of last year, animals were dying. PLM, being cognizant of this severe problem said, “If we do not help them they will die.” Like a true hero, he decided to act … he decided to bring water to these animals. 

About a year ago he decided to rent a large tanker trunk and to bring 3,000 gallons water daily to these animals in the African wilderness. He started with just the single rental and now has several trucks and drives for hours each day. Like a typical Pavlovian response, when the animals hear the tanker truck approaching, they congregate and anxiously await for Patrick to start draining the water from his truck … elephants, bison, lions, etc. then lap up the fresh water.

True heroes are a rare breed, and Patrick Kilonzo Mwaula is indeed one of them! 



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